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Winning? Tucker Carlson struggles to fill more than a dozen vacant commercials during his show

Looks like FOX host Tucker Carlson is learning the meaning of 'consequences', as he struggles to fill more than a dozen advertising slots, now that dozens of advertisers have boycotted his show.

The boycott - which includes national advertisers such as, iHop, Just for Men, and LandRover - began in earnest last weekend, after Carlson said the country was 'dirtier' because of the immigrants coming in. The boycott escalated earlier this week, as Carlson said he 'won't be pressured' by the boycott and stood by his statements.

Last week, Carlson had averaged five commercial breaks and 36 advertisers per show, which did not include any commercials for FOX self-promotion. This week, Carlson was narrowed down to four commercial breaks and only 20 advertisers plus 6 commercials for 'FOX self-promotion'.

Last year, a boycott against Carlson's predecessor Bill O'Reilly in the 8 pm hour on FOX (which stemmed from a NY Times report about about settlements with women who alleged either sexual harassment or verbal abuse by O'Reilly) grew to over 60 advertisers fleeing his show. FOX eventually canceled his show - mostly due to no advertising revenue.


Tuck probably understands that they'll get advertisers to replace the others over time. Doubling down on his comment was a bad choice though. The smartest move was to apologize for the poor choice of words, and if the boycott worsens for him, I'm sure that is what he'll do. But for the time being, he'll probably tippy-toe around it waiting to see which way the wind blows.


He will never apologize. He’s too full of himself to apologize.


I mean if the boycott gets worse. If more and more advertisers begin to jump on it, then I have a feeling he'll apologize, or at the very least state he used a poor choice of words.


You’re more of an optimist than I am when it comes to Tucker. Lol!


I have a hard time figuring him out. Did you see his politicon debate with Cenk?


No I didn’t. I try not to watch too much of Tucker. I sometimes check out his show when Chris Hayes is running a commercial. After a few minutes of Carlson, I appreciate being a liberal even more.


If you check out his debate with TYT's Cenk at politicon from a few months ago on youtube the guy actually sounds reasonable. He agreed with a lot of what Cenk had to say. Did you know he used to have a show on MSNBC and he and his producer Bill Wolff gave Rachel her first break into cable news hiring her as liberal debate foil for Tucker? She's been nothing but complimentary towards him that I've seen and wished him the best when he went to Fox. He was a conservative on MSNBC, but clearly moderate and more populist than you might think. Not a Fox loon conservative.

Then he gets his show on Fox and says all this inflammatory shit. I guess he knows his audience and how to feed them red meat to keep his ratings up. I chalked him up as a hard right Fox casualty. But that debate from a few months ago did make me do a double take wondering if he actually believes all the shit he peddles on Fox or whether he's cognizant of what he's doing and purely in it for the money and ratings.


Why apologize for the truth


What's the truth?


Ever been to Detroit?


Nope. Tell me about it.




It needs a broom and dustpan


And how are immigrants are responsible for that? Sounds like poor governance that doesn't keep your city clean.


Bosdog is just another bullshit account. He's already admitted he's here to troll. Anything he writes is moot at this point.


That’s in the middle of the country, isn’t it? Only way i’m Going there is a forced landing.

The way the red states are i’d Be okay if we launched our nukes but forgot to open the silo doors.


Of course you would because the left are the new nazis. The one time in my life michigan didnt vote blue and now you are in favor of nuking the great lakes


Quit pretending like you are here to make a point. You've already admitted your purpose is to troll.


That's more explaining to you why Hillary lost. We would rather the world burn than see a smug Hillary in the White House and alot of disenfranchised liberals agreed with us


Looks like you may be getting your wish so let this be a lesson in the future ( if there is a future) : be careful what you wish for.


A lesson? Ha! I'll be voting for Trump again against whatever looney tune liberal the democrats pull out next


The lesson should be for the left to base themselves back into reality with the rest of us if they hope to ever win again


lol! Even Ann Coulter said the GOP is finished thanks to T-rump. Try again.


I've heard that the GOP is finished since the Clinton days then the 21st Century came and i watched as they only way democrats have been able to win any elections is by pulling out their Special Attraction Candidate but other than that it's been Liberals crying in the street all century


What country do you live in?


Hey i'm just saying the only way democrats have been able to win any Presidential Elections this century is to pull out their most inexperienced candidate out of the whole bunch and push him based off his skin color


But only republicans are known to do that. BTW: orange is the new white.


That Orange meme is tired. Ya'll better get some new material because the Russians are gonna kill it in 2020


He's more red these days than orange. Maybe he'll keep changing until he goes infra... which is invisible. Oh happy day.


So, you're against freedom of speech. Cool.


I’m for freedom of speech - dozens of advertisers spoke out and made their views known, just as Carlson did. How can you not comprehend that?


Freedom of speech does NOT = Freedom From Consequences...a simple fact that you Trumpers seem to struggle with comprehending.
