MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > TSA calling in sick throughout the count...

TSA calling in sick throughout the country

So this is how much our human cheeto president cares for our "security"--hundreds of TSA workers are starting to call in sick so they can work regular jobs to earn some money so they don't go under/lose their homes/etc.

If this shutdown keeps dragging on, many more security officials will start doing the same. Less security makes us more at risk for a terrorist to slip in.

So, let's get this straight: Donald is willing to let our security fall into ruin, potentially allowing the passage of many terrorists into this country all in the name of "border security"?

Also, is there any doubt WHATSOEVER that, if we did get attacked by a terrorist, the cultists who love to kiss Cheeto's wrinkly, old, orange a$$, would be blaming "the dems" 110% and completely absolve Donnie Boy of any blame?


I guess T-rump is none to worried about 4,000 terrorists coming into the country, which will be very easy to do now with no TSA workers.


He's just got to have that concrete wall--I mean steel slats--I mean part concrete, part fence--I mean...what is it supposed to be again?


A chalk-line on the pavement, last I heard.


You boys enjoying your virtual circle jerk?


Aww, a snowflake arrived.


It's almost cute the way they run to their cheeto's aid like knights in shining armor, pouring their hearts out to the orange-hued princess who captivates them so...


don't forget to use lubricant boys, chaffing is no laughing matter on a sensitive organ

then again, i'm sure i don't have to tell you beta males about that


You forgot cuck!

Go back to the alt-Nazi playbook until you have it memorized.


Pathetic that you try to use a term originally used to describe all you beta male/bull-dykes with TDS.

Your creativity, much like your taste in politics is feeble and feckless.


You tell me. You Trumpers know a lot about circle jerks with your Qanon, NRA, KKK, Alt-Right and Neo Nazi groups. Yeah, we know what you boys do under those white sheets...nasty!


Join in whenever you want!


It will be the world's first invisible wall. It exists in the fourth and fifth dimensions which is why we can't see it.


TSA is security theater and does nothing for safety.


TSA is not how you spell wall.


You just described the proposed wall and don't even realize it.


Wanna take a guess (it's fairly obvious) who "steelhammer" really is? He's been on the forum many times before under different names (until he's thrown off the board).


Yeah, I noticed he has a huge man crush on Trump. He just shows up in threads posting "6 more years" and he doesn't even know who the other candidates will be in 2020 yet. That's just blind love. Hard to believe Trump is a guy who floats his boat.


This board is a sock drawer.


And steelhammer's always talking about "Trump Derangement Syndrome" too. lol but he was probably the leader of Obama Derangement Syndrome when Obama was President.


And he’s digging up old posts from two years ago to bury the newer ones with current news. I know exactly who he was on this forum before his account was terminated.


Guys, we're giving him what he wants....attention. He's another thin-skinned knuckle-dragger who is desperate to be heard because in real life, he's ignored.


I wish there was a “ like” button for your post.


Trump is so insulated and unconcerned with regular people (who apparently are not his base, so who the hell IS his base?), I don't think it even occurs to him good ol' native born, hard working Muricans are suffering under his narcissistic views. He simply can't see past the fact that he's flat out dumb and wrong on this border wall garbage. He spouts idiotic comments like many presidents have called on emergency powers over things much less important than his fanatical "border security." The guy says any and every stupid thing that comes to mind ! I don't think there's a crown big enough to surround that supremely swollen head. This is so embarrassing for our Beautiful Country. Good luck everybody !


Well, I don't think he cares about regular working Americans at ALL. The rubes who voted for him are nothing but cattle in his eyes and just fodder for propping up his presidency. He cares only for the 1%...and not even them, really. He really just cares about himself.


TSAs calling in sick in record numbers. And this is keeping our airports safe from terrorists?
