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Trump translator may be forced to testify


This doesn't bode well for the orange man if this happens.


Oh let this happen! Please let this happen! Lol


They need to get her protection before she "disappears".


She isnt dealing with the Clintons or that would be a valid concern


Speaking of which - what happened to the lovechild T-rump fathered with the housekeeper at his property? Where did those two disappear to?


Again, your inability to stay on topic astounds me. You really cannot actually defend Trump without deflection or whataboutism can you, hayseed?


Even if it happens, Trump will just claim Executive Privilege and that will preclude any usable testimony.

I realize congress is feeling it's oats right now, but they need to be CAREFUL. Obviously, there's something there. Mueller would not be spending THIS much time if there was NOTHING there. But frankly, this is a gun with one bullet. Congress can't be pissing away chances for the actual truth to come out and, even worse, harass Trump and his band of thieves so much that they actually start to look victimized in the eyes of the public.


I'm seriously beginning to wonder if there's any chance at all to peg this guy. His AG nominee said "the president is above the law" and is already making movies to let the air out Mueller's investigation, McConnell won't do a damn thing, Senate and Congress won't do a damn thing...what are our options here? Seems like every every angle we examine here has the same answer: so and so will block it/override it.

How can we get anything done about Trump if no one will vote to make it happen?


Well, I can tell you what the answer ISN'T. It ISN'T flooding the Democratic ticket with a lot of candidates that have little to no chance of winning but divide up the Party. It isn't putting more extreme candidates on the ballot.

Democrats have to realize they HAVE the Democrat vote come 2020. Trump has made sure of that. But they need to

a) mobilize their voters to do more than watch John King and his maps on election night
b) unify under ONE candidate
c) find a candidate that will pull Independents and disillusioned Republicans (RE: REAL Republicans and not these alt-right knuckle draggers that have co-opted the GOP). And that means Corey Booker, Kamala Harris and Kirsten Gillibrand need to sit this one out.

The Democrats needed to spend less time crying about Trump and trying everything under the sun to take him down (which with every failure only makes them look impotent) and more time building a candidate from scratch. Doing what they're doing now? It's what the Republicans did in 2015/2016 with the flood of candidates they had....and we ended up with a game show host as President.


d) Keep Hillary the hell away from it. She would be a guaranteed win of second term for the orange sloth at this point.


Sadly, we've now got Elizabeth Warren on deck. So now we don't even get the Hillary Show, we get the cheap knock off.

You know, like Turkish Star Wars.


Here's an option STFU and wait for the next election and cover bases america actually cares about


For someone who loves telling others to STFU, you sure don't teach by example.

You also don't seem to post any substance, just childish outbursts.


poor little brownshirt....must suck to have voted for the "winner" and yet still be on the losing side for 2 years.


What is this brownshirt business? Is the left attempting to meme again?


And i voted for the Johnson


Oh i see calling people nazis huh? Meanwhile Antifa just recently beat down a Mexican while screaming racial slurs and the womens march just had a bunch of sponsors pull out because of their espoused anti semetic views
