MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Boy Bullied for Trump Surname

Boy Bullied for Trump Surname

Lovely people, these Trump haters. Supposedly they're against bullying and cruelty...LMAO

And yet they still manage to turn this story of an 11-year-old kid being bullied simply for having the same last name as the President to a 'resistance' narrative. Have these people no shame? After being mercilessly bullied by anti-Trump kids, why the heck would this kid want to join the 'resistance'?!?


Perfect example of TDS.


The article is about people calling a sleeping kid a hero who has no interest in being a hero for that side.

Thats the point the OP was trying to make.


Was Kingswood attacking me, or just commenting on the people mentioned in the article?

In any case, I appreciate your defence, even if I'm inclined to give Kingswood the benefit of the doubt.


Of course he wasn't attacking you. He was either trying to blame middle-school bullying on TDS or he was trying to blame people for meming on a sleeping Trump supporter kid on TDS. Whatever he was attempting to do, TDS has nothing to do with either. He's so wrapped up in the TDS talking point that he cannot change gears.

Also, Kingswood is a blatant racist:

"Interesting...we've finally gotten to the real reason you hate President Trump...not enough token wookies in his administration. Welcome to the REAL world snowflake...where "whitey" IS actually the best choice for the job."



I think Kingswood may have a point though. Bullying, by its very nature, is irrational and stupid, and so, bullying a child simply for having the surname 'Trump' is the height of irrationality and stupidity, and what is so-called TDS (I don't take a position either way on whether it exists) if not irrational and stupid.

And I say that as someone who despises Trump, but, hopefully, does so in a thoughtful and rational way that is backed up by logical argument and sincerity, rather than TDS. I certainly wouldn't bully a child simply for having the Trump surname.


Kids bully because they are kids looking to establish their dominance over others. Trump is the one asserting his dominance. TDS is an overreaction to it.

TDS is the screeching employee who went off on the pro-Trump customer. You'd have to be a hardcore Trump supporter to equate TDS with bullying.

Kingswood on the other hand is a blatant racist piece of shit who calls black people wookies. He called Obama a wookie chaser because he married Michelle, and all the black people in his administration were just token wookies.

But go ahead and keep giving him the benefit of the doubt. Keep blaming kids behavior on something arbitrary like politics. Its easier for you.


I don't know what you mean by "its easier for you".

All I'm saying is that the left cannot take the higher ground if we tolerate bullying and name-calling ourselves. We pride ourselves on being better than that, so, in all honesty, we have to hold ourselves up to a higher standard, as unfair as some of you might find that to be.

Kids bullying other kids because their surname is 'Trump' should NOT be tolerated. Another thing that should not be tolerated, and admittedly it's very hard to parse the full truth about this incident, is where a group of adult Black Hebrew Israelites start haranguing a bunch of high-school kids. I personally despise everything those privileged, abortion-protesting young men stand for (how dare a bunch of rich white kids educated at an all boys' school tell women what to do with their bodies!), however, I am nothing if not fair, and no matter how abhorrent one may find a person's views and opinions, they do not deserve to be bullied, threatened, slandered or libelled, especially if they're kids.

Some liberals may think I'm a 'traitor' or some sort of Benedict Arnold type for saying 'both sides', but the truth is, there is some mendacious and nasty nonsense going on in both sides. And just because I think the liberal argument is infinitely superior to the conservative, or in Trump's case, fascist, one, it still does not justify bullying from ANY SIDE. Bullying is the one thing liberals should be most against dammit!


Bullying isn't being tolerated. But theres tolerance and an inability to curb it. What we have is the latter. There's no way for leftists to go in there and curb bullying especially now with Trump at the helm where he and all of his supporters would raise their sickle and hammers against any effort to curb bullying. They are already whining that the left is trying to push their participation trophies on them and emasculate them by taking away their manhood.

Just like when Michelle Obama tried to get people to eat healthier. It was attack on the alt-right's principles of being free to eat junk. To idiots like Kingswood, she's just a wookie. There's no way leftists can handle the problem of a kid's freedom to bully another kid without some extreme backlash from the "hey look guys, more TDS over there, haha" and "god appointed Trump to stop Hillary" crowds.

But as far as social media meming on a pro-Trump kid falling asleep. Its just a meme. Its just social media doing what it does. It has nothing to do with bully culture or TDS.


To be fair, what people eat is arguably their own choice.

I'm a non-smoking, non-drug-taking, borderline teetotal vegan, and obviously, if asked, I will argue the case for a healthier diet and lifestyle, but ultimately you can take the horse to the water but you can't make it drink. And in that respect, it's every individual's choice to do what they want with and to their own body. It amazes me that liberals, of all people, need to be schooled on this point.

Far more harmful to others than junk food, via passive smoking, is tobacco. Perhaps Michelle Obama should have focused on the harmful effects of smoking...I wonder why she didn't...hmmm...

However, whilst it is every individual's business what they eat, it is all of society's business to ensure that no-one, ESPECIALLY AN ELEVEN-YEAR-OLD CHILD FFS, is protected from bullying. Bullying can lead to mental illness, self-harm and even suicide. And it is a form of behaviour that is done by people towards others. Some (admittedly stupid) people choose to eat unhealthily (that is their business. No-one, as far as I know, chooses to be bullied.

That is why we must focus our attention on ending bullying, and in the meantime let people eat whatever junk they want.


Michelle Obama's health agenda was geared towards children. Anti-SJW adults made it about them instead.

But as I said in the other thread. You aren't a genuine account. You are trying to peddle Kingswood's talking points from the position of a non Trump supporter which is why you only talk to me and ask me what he's saying instead of him.

So kindly fuck off.


If Kingswood is such a dyed-in-the-wool Trumpet, I see little point in arguing with him.

It makes far more sense to engage with people who I, perhaps wrongly, believe have the capacity to think and behave in the right way.

I apologise for our disagreements here. Unfortunately, I suffer from mood swings and when I read something like the story of the eleven-year-old boy being bullied simply for his surname, it puts my brain in a spin. I struggle with cognitive dissonance, and so I get more upset when someone or something I'm supposed to root for/be on the same side as, does something I disagree with.

I expect the worst from the average Trump supporter however, I don't expect the worst from people who are, or at least claim to be, liberals.

Anyway, I apologise for any offence caused, but as I say, I can't help having these mood swings. It's the effect of my anti-anxiety medication.


All I'm saying is that the left cannot take the higher ground if we tolerate bullying and name-calling ourselves.

Kids bullying other kids because their surname is 'Trump' should NOT be tolerated.

School kids aren't "the left" anyway, and I have no clue how you think bullying is being tolerated. It's a real head-scratcher.

If anything, the "left" is celebrating this kid for sleeping, not bullying him.


The left is now celebrating the kid, which is kind of cool, but the school kids bullying this child, whether they knew it or not, were clearly bullying from a left-wing perspective.

They must think quite poorly of President Trump to pick on this kid for having the same name, and where are they getting these ideas from? Most likely their parents (i.e. "that damn Trump. He's such an idiot..." etcetera). No doubt these are the types of parents who pride themselves on their 'progressive values', and yet their loose talk is leading to an innocent eleven-year-old boy being bullied and thus pulled out of school. Is that fair?


I guess being weak comes with the name.


Exactly how you prefer your underage boy friends, no doubt.


How can we keep criticising Trump-supporters for racism, sexism and homophobia, if we're beating up 11-year-old kids over their frickin' surname?!?

Maybe we're no better than them.


We don't know the boy was bullied only that he said he was bullied. But either way, being bullied or lying about it is weakness.



Fair enough. I guess anyone who has felt bullied by Trump or his MAGA-cap-wearing supporters is simply 'weak'.

Also, do you disbelief all individuals who state they have experienced bullying, harassment and abuse?

You don't sound very progressive to me. You must be one of those millions of Americans who simply hate Trump because it's 'cool', without thinking why they hate Trump (see half of Hollywood).


Bullying is wrong but being bullied is weakness. Sorry but that is the truth. There will always be bullies as long as there are weaklings. All living things compete for resources and nature abhors weakness. Weakness invites violence.

And believing every claim of victimhood doesn't make you liberal or progressive, it just makes you gullible.


Why would an eleven-year-old kid make such a thing up? What has he to gain? And why do you think his story is so incredible as to be false? I personally think it's pretty easy to conceive of a child being bullied for having the same surname as a universally despised President. As I recall from childhood, kids can be cruel, which still doesn't justify it.

And there is zero excuse for bullying. I have very few resources, relative to my environment (i.e. I live in a developed nation), but I'll be damned if I am going to bully someone to attain more. That doesn't make me weak; it makes me compassionate, which is something we should all strive for.

Unfortunately, we currently have a bully for POTUS, and people on all sides of the political spectrum see his behaviour either as acceptable, or are, ironically, emulating the very behaviour they purportedly abhor. But if we all descend to his level, it means he has won. He wants us to all be as crude and cruel and mean-spirited and petty and proudly know-nothing as him. It validates his ego.


I didn't say he was false, those are your words.

So do you believe everything you read or just everything that aligns with your worldview of the moment? Either way you make a great conservative.


Where did I say I believe everything I read?

I do however take the words of alleged victims very seriously. Unlike conservatives, I don't victim blame or automatically question their accounts.


Someone says they are a victim and you are quick to knot a noose and hang the bully. Take this to heart, people lie. Don't believe everything you read. Don't assume victims are victims unless there is proof (especially now when victimhood is a fad). Don't assume the person blamed by a victim is guilty unless there is proof. Keep an open mind. It's a lot easier to hang someone later than un-hang them after people rush to judgement.


Keep in mind McQualude is kind of stating what Trump exhibited in 2016 against the other 15+ primary candidates. He bullied them all by calling them names and calling them weak. Trump supporters loved it and called it confidence.

Its funny how you recognize the leader of the free world is a bully but if kids do it only then is it some sort of issue that needs to be addressed.

Maybe try to take that to heart. Try to think about how Trump's behavior influences the youth of our country. Then maybe you wouldn't be putting all of the pressure on leftists to fix such a problem.


Maybe try to take that to heart. Try to think about how Trump's behavior influences the youth of our country. Then maybe you wouldn't be putting all of the pressure on leftists to fix such a problem.
How exactly do we control Trump's behaviour? Please tell me, because if I knew, I'd be doing something about it.

But the truth is, we can't control people like Trump. We can only work on improving ourselves and ensuring that likeminded people live up to our standards.

Do you think right-wing conservatives like Trump and his ilk give a damn what we say?!? Of course they don't.

But that doesn't mean we descend to their level and act as if it's okay to bully kids called Trump, simply because of all the bullying being done by Trump and his people.

It may sound glib, but it's true: an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind.


"How exactly do we control Trump's behaviour?"

You criticize him for it instead of siding with a racist who calls Obama's wife and cabinet wookies because they are place. You criticize him for it instead of peddling Trumper talking points that the bullying is because of TDS.

Now kindly fuck off.


Please don't tell me to 'f*** off'. I have been polite to you.

This type of language is precisely the nastiness, bullying, and disrespect for people's feelings I'm talking about.

Also, where am I siding with anyone who calls Michelle Obama such a vile name? If I see anyone here make such an ugly attack, I will unequivocally call them out.

For what it's worth, I believe you when you say that Kingswood has made such attacks. You have no reason to make such a thing up. However, unless I see him post such a vile comment, I can't really criticise him, can I?

In the meantime, if we're on the same side, it makes NO sense to get into an argument.



So, because this child isn't a minority or gay, his suffering doesn't matter? Wow! That's f***ed up...


Lol, anyone today who says anything remotely negative about the LGB community gets practically drawn and quartered. They don't experience bullying more than any other group, time to move on. This isn't the 50s anymore, most people don't give a shit. There will always be random assholes that start problems, but the field is pretty level now with who that gets directed at them.


VERY lucky he isn't a 3rd trimester baby.


VERY lucky he's not one of those hundreds of children torn from his mothers arms and locked in a cage for the past five months, with the odds stacked against him of ever being reunited with his family again.


Yeah not good.

It's of course easy to believe that I care about such children, since I also care about baby's in the womb as well.

It's hard to believe that you actually care about those children when you're using them as an argument against fetal viability (which makes zero sense btw). Pretty much an utter disgrace and fully explains your personality.


It's of course easy to believe that I care about such children, since I also care about baby's in the womb as well.

It's hard to believe that you actually care about those children when you're using them as an argument against fetal viability (which makes zero sense btw). Pretty much an utter disgrace and fully explains your personality.

In your warped mind, I'm sure this makes sense to you. To everyone else reading this, not at all.

But try to convince yourself it's true.



You support late term, 3rd trimester abortion? Where fetal viability is high at a minimum?

If so then no, there is no reason for anyone to take the notion you put forward seriously. If you don't care about children in their most vulnerable state, how exactly can you care about them when they are a little older?


You really live in your own alternate reality.



The sheer irony of your statement ... due to you not having an actual credible argument to back up your position, as usual.


Sorry cupcake. I never “ stated my position” so nothing to back up from me. Just sitting back and enjoying being entertained by you in your delusional world.


Judd Trump just won the Snooker Masters. Nobody bullies him or even mentions his second name. Next.


Judd Trump is English.

Except for a few obsessed Guardian columnists and Labour politicians (and I speak as a Guardian reader and a Labour supporter), no-one cares about Trump in England.


While the kid being bullied is awful, can we also look at the fact that the reason for the (inexcusable) bullying is because his "namesake", the friggin' President of the United States, is such a horrible, awful, amoral human being? I mean, with ANY other President, a kid would be PROUD to have his last name and the school yard would be full of jokes and puns about it not bullying and abuse. We've gone beyond hoping Trump with actually be inspiring, now this shows even his NAME is enraging.


But two wrongs don't make a right.

President Trump is indeed vile, but that still doesn't justify the bullying of an eleven-year-old by supposedly progressive children (or more likely, the children of supposedly progressive parents, whose have effectively indoctrinated their offspring with constant anti-Trump rhetoric).


I really, really, REALLY tried to make sure I was not condoning the bullying or giving it a pass. Nor am I rationalizing it. I'm just lamenting the fact that because this poor kid happens to share a last name with a piece of dung you'd scrape off your shoe like our President is that he got bullied. And how sad it is that something that should have been something to almost be proud of (sharing your name with a President) now makes you a target.

Pretty sure I was clear there.


Okay. Fair enough. I think I get your point.

I still maintain however, that it doesn't matter how horrible Trump is. That is besides the point. This child should not have been subject to bullying.


What happened to the kid, again? How was he bullied?

He was called names? Did someone grab him by the crotch? Has he been separated from his parents? Did someone put a noose on his desk?




So glad you're back to set the deplorables straight.

I think the bullying came from Melania, for dragging him to the event.
