MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Sergei Lavrov was in Vietnam too

Sergei Lavrov was in Vietnam too

Remember him?

Sergei Lavrov. Putin's handpicked Foreign Minister was in Vietnam & staying at the same hotel as T-rump's delegation in Vietnam for the meeting w/North Korean delegation.

Why was he there? Because of the beaches?

The only photo of T-rump really smiling (without Ivanka on his lap) was the one taken inside the OVAL OFFICE by RUSSIAN PHOTOGRAPHERS (because he had thrown the AMERICAN PRESS OUT!) where he's laughing with Foreign Minister Segei Lavrov & Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. They were laughing at a comment T-rump made about James Comey being fired. Because mocking the leader of the FBI is something that Republican presidents are wont to do now?

Also in the room for that photo? Marina Butina. She couldn't make it to Vietnam for this summit because she's been locked up on charges brought by Mueller's investigation into her part of the various RUSSIAN ATTACKS on THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

This T-rump Administration is lousy with Russian contacts. But people still believe that there's nothing to it?

THE RUSSIANS ATTACKED OUR ELECTIONS. They stole property, they set up BOT farms, they poured money in through Butina & the NRA & they propelled T-Rump into office.

Send lawyers, guns & money. He's with the Russians too.


WOW! I wonder if FOX news will be reporting on this tonight?

No, actually I don't wonder about this at all....


I agree with what you're saying but Sergei Lavrov has every right to be there regardless of who the US President is, Russia and North Korea are major allies, if Hillary won or any other person won (Kasich, Rubio, Cruz, Sanders, etc) and was at the meeting we would all expect a Russian delegation to be present.....


True, but it does beg the question given the larger context. Did Trump at any time meet with Lavrov alone in private?

Perhaps this was the true intent of an otherwise pointless summit that ended in predictable failure.


yawn. keep reaching


What would it take for you to change your opinion of trump? Would he have to commit fraud while grabbing a pussy right in front of you?


Trump could sell Baelish's first born into slavery and good ole Baelish would be saying "Son, you've been chosen! Make me proud!"


Baelish is T-rumps professional ball licker cause those orange balls ain’t gonna lick themselves.


That wouldn’t work Super bc fraud and pussy grabbing aren’t wrong to Trump’s disciples.


all u libtards hating on russia is so funny. all those ex-commie bastards did was release stuff that hitary and the demonrat party was already doing. its not like the russians made anything up they just helped the whisleblowing process but showing the american people what there politicians are actually doing behind closed doors. i salute the russians. the people deserve to see those emails!


Remember when Romney called them an enemy during the 2012 election and Obama laughed at him. The left has always loved Russia, they wanna turn the country into a wannabe USSR. Lets not forget about all the uranium Hillary sold them too. Russia is dangerous, and the left loves them.


Let’s not forget Palin could see Russia from Alaska. But she said they were the enemy!
