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Melania T-rump embarrasses herself with Australian Foreign Minister

Geez, everyone thought Melania T-rump was the 'smart one' in her marriage, but it looks as though she has a 'low IQ' like her husband!

According to a report in The New Yorker, former Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop (2013-2018) shared this embarrassing encounter with Melania T-rump at the recent Adelaide Festival, an annual art festival in Australia’s capital, with the crowd in front of her:

“Melania, standing by, assumed David was the foreign minister and she said to me: ‘Julie, will you be coming to my ladies’ lunch tomorrow?’ And I said ‘No, David’s going to the partners’ lunch’. She thought about that for a while, thinking: ‘Why would Australia’s foreign minister come to the partners’ lunch?’ So this went on for a while until the president explained that I was the foreign minister.”


It's not just that this "Einstein genius" is so dumb, it's also that her staff didn't even care enough to prep her for the meeting.

That's some minor league bullshit, right there.

I don't know if I'm going to live long enough to see all the movies, tell-all books about this disastrous, embarrassing Administration.


Oh you will live long enough. Why? Because all these books and movies will be worth living for!


she still a million times hotter than the shemale mike obuma


You claiming a female's worth is predicated upon her skin colour and shaggability is more embarrassing than Melania's mistake.


why you bring that mans skin color into this? u a rascister?? there are a lot of sexy black chicks out there that are just as hot or even hotter than Melania. skin color dont mean nothing to me becuz i aint no fucking rascister like u!!


Speaking of she males, have you seen recent pics of Melania? She’s pushing 50 and looks every bit like an aging drag queen. She needs a remodel on her cosmetic surgery. She wants to look good as a prison widow, doesn’t she?


Show us a picture of your wife when you're in your 70s


Doggie wasn't the one judging others by their looks, it was the troll, and he was simply responding to it.

Too bad you're too unintelligent to see the obvious. You're like a child.


trololololololol loooololllz


Trolling is original, unique and creative. Youre totally not parroting the exact styles and strategies copied by thousands of others. You totally dont sound exactly like the other trollz and it totally doesn't give an impression of hive mind mentality.


just watch this short edumicationable documentary you jabroni!


Meanwhile Michael Obama was on Ellen shaking her wee wee in white pants for the world to see


Thats the problem with you liberals is you have a ton of videos and photos of Michelle Obama's bulge, you have a celebrity expose her as a tranny then not long after said celebrity dies mysteriously like a week later at a routine check up, Barack himself has referred to her as Michael over and over and over again and you all dismiss all the evidence then turn around and call the Supermodel a tranny then you wonder why you lose elections without a Special Attraction Candidate.


So what you're saying is: The problem with liberals is we don't believe the conspiracy theories spread by InfoWars, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Jeanine Pirro and Rush Limbaugh?

Liberals don't see that as a problem at all.


Don't you mean spread by Joan Rivers and Obama himself?


Trolling is original, unique and creative. You're totally not blandly parroting the exact styles and strategies copied by thousands of others. You totally don't sound indistinguishable from the other trolls, and it totally doesn't give the impression of an ultraconformist hive mind mentality.


What trolling? These are just astute observations everyone can see


Please link to when Obama exposed his wife as a tranny, as I would love to read that.

And no, liberals don't believe the 'conspiracy theory' Rivers joked about. And Rivers didn't die 'mysteriously' (if that's who you're referring to). She died from negligence of her doctors, who were too busy taking 'selfies' with her while she was under anesthesia. There's no mystery there - it's explained in her daughter's lawsuit.


My best friend growing up had a sister named Michelle and she had a friend named Michelle that was always over. My next door neighbor was named Michelle and she also had a friend named Michelle who was always over, my buddy dated a Michelle for years, a girl i dated had a friend named Michelle who was always over, ive known plenty of Michelle's in High School and never once have i accidentally called any of them Michael.

Obama on the other hand repeatedly over and over again "accidentily" refers to his WIFE as Michael. I know you probaly don't know much about the dating world but if you repeatedly call your girl by a dudes name they will think you are gay and leave your ass


Obama on the other hand repeatedly over and over again "accidentily" refers to his WIFE as Michael.

And you can provide links to all these times he accidentally refers to his wife as Michael.

Last year T-rump referred to his wife as "Melanie" on her birthday. What do you suppose is going on with that? He has a secret girlfriend named Melanie?


here is obuma calling his manwife michael. prooof iz in the puddin sucka


Ok, that's one. You mentioned 'all the times'. He called her Michael and T-rump called his wife Melanie. One for one.


Melanie is at least a girls name. my dad calls my stepmom my my dead moms name sometimes at least he isnt calling her a dudes name...


What's the difference? The wrong name is the wrong name.


yea but when ur talking to a women why would u confuse her with a dudes name. mistaking one female name for another is one thing. mistaking your wifes name for a fucking dudes name is gay as hell


Keep trying. They both got their wife’s name wrong.


ahh go suck mike obumas dick


The GOP way of conceding. I’ll accept it.


only thing u accept is mike obumas hairy tranny wiener in ur butt


And might i add we haven't seen one instance yet of Trump referring to his wife as Melvin yet


That would be terrible calling Ivanka 'Melvin', don'tcha think?


Remember when you posted that fake news thread about Jussie and then never posted in the thread again because you're too embarrassed to admit you're wrong all the time?


Remember when you were bright enough to stay on a topic instead of trying to use whataboutism as flame bait?

Yeah, neither do I.


Trolling is original, unique and creative. You're totally not blandly parroting the exact styles and strategies copied by thousands of others. You totally don't sound indistinguishable from the other trolls, and it totally doesn't give the impression of an ultraconformist hive mind mentality.


poor jussie just wanted someone to fulfill his hate crime sex fantasy


Post pics of your wife and we can compare.
