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T-rumptards are waking up to the reality of T-rump's tax reform

Remember that single piece of legislation shoved down Congress' throats just days before Christmas , 2017? The only thing which T-rump got passed in his first year as President, because the Republican majority voted for it (while every Democrat voted against it)? The one where he told his very reich friends at Mar Largo "I just saved you all a lot of money" ? Yeah, now you remember...

Well with the returns coming in for 2018, T-rumptards are getting a rude awakening from their 'sticker shock'. Social media is overflowing with comments form working-class T-rumptards who are complaining about a shrinking refund, or better yet - owing money to the IRS for the very first time, thanks to his 'tax reform'. Most are using #GOPTaxScam to share their complaints.

"You've seen some of the comments people are mentioning online about this," MSNBC Kenids Gibson recently said. "There are legitimate Trump voters who are feeling cheated."

"And we told them that that tax bill was only going to help the 1 percent. And everybody else you may see a few bucks back, but now you are not even going to see that. So, yes, these people have been cheated, and we’ve known that for a long time. So I’m so glad they’re waking up to that new reality,” said panelist Danielle Modie-Mills of SirusXM radio.

Gibson then read off a tweet from one of thousands of angry T-rumptards which claimed they would never vote for him in 2020.

Editor Elie Mystal, another panelist, noted, “It’s wonderful to watch these Trump voters learn. Now we are going to get to test a theory I’ve had. My theory has been, they voted for Trump because they’re racist and because they're sexist. Their theory is: ‘No. we had economic grievances.’ Now we get to see who was right. So, if they had economic grievances, this is a great time for them not to vote for Trump again. If they had these other grievances, then they’ll be part of the 37 percent once again.”


Oh they been working on getting them tax checks from you for along time, it don't matter who's in Office they are all crooks


I actually agree with you, but there's no denying that T-rumptards voted for T-rump because he was going to 'take care' of them, and not the uber wealthy. He did just the opposite, and now they're waking up and turning on him.

I believe it was you who said a short while ago that ideally, no one should owe taxes or get a refund at the end of the year if they do it right. I agree 100% - something I've been taught for many years (since 'finance math' classes in high school). For years I've either owed or been refunded $100 or less (usually less), as I've always paid attention to my income and my deductions throughout the year with pay raises, additional income, etc. making necessary changes. Not many people do this. They don't realize that their 'big tax refund' of thousands of dollars was used by the government all year long, interest free. And if they do owe money, they never realize that they hadn't been taken out enough money from their paycheck each year.


They are way too late to the party. If they were actual Conservatives, they would have decried the massive tax cut accompanied by zero spending reductions and would have quickly recognized that it would lead to a massive and rapid increase in national debt.

Funny how the Democrats are the actual fiscal conservatives. Trump's greatest accomplishments have been getting the right wing to brazenly dispose of the fiscal conservative myth and the moral majority myth... he might just be an undercover Democrat after all!


Trump's greatest accomplishments have been getting the right wing to brazenly dispose of the fiscal conservative myth and the moral majority myth...

This is very true. And the T-rumptards don't even realize this has happened. They just get in line and kiss his ass, and believe that he will make them rich.


The left's plan for the economy=give every free stuff what could go wrong?


Trolling is original, unique and creative. You're totally not blandly parroting the exact styles and strategies copied by thousands of others. You totally don't sound indistinguishable from the other trolls, and it totally doesn't give the impression of an ultraconformist hive mind mentality.
