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"I don't need Mueller's investigation, I have a TV" - Bill Maher

There we have it. The left in a 'nut'shell. After god knows how many hoaxes have been disproven and now the king of all hoaxes absolutely blown the fuck out. Finally the truth comes out; "The TV said Trump bad, why he not in jail. It sas her turn!".


One thing is for sure. The TV will do a much better job releasing the details of Mueller's report than the AG has.


You conspiracy nuts are a laugh-and-a-half


Sometimes truth is funnier than fiction. And considering the hatchet job the AG has already done with the report there really is no conspiracy theory.


You leftards are so predictable I'm actually embarrassed for how brainwashed and sheep minded you are, marching to the MSM's drum like zombies


Coming from the guy named Duck that believes Trump's AG stooge gave an honest summary of the Mueller report.


How convenient that there's always some way for leftists to avoid the truth. Mueller's team works got the AG. AG quoted Mueller directly. No conspiracy. No crimes. If for whatever reason you hate a sitting president then feel free to vote for someone else next time around kiddo.


That's one of the most psychotic quotes of the Trump era. We live in truly interesting times.


The fact Trump's lawyers are refusing to release the report is all the proof anyone needs to know it's damning. No one refuses to release a report that in fact exonerates them.


Obama refused to release his school transcripts and birth certificate. Maybe he wasn't born in Kenya, but he went to school on a foreign exchange ticket. We all know Trump has committed every white collar crime in the book. But there's nothing about Russia in there.


It's all about Russia Thrillhouse. That's what the whole investigation was about. That's why he refuses to release an 800 page report by Mueller on Russian collusion. He knows it's filled with stories of his guilt.

Barr didn't clear Trump on collusion, he only cleared him on a very specific crime of conspiracy with Russian GRU and the Internet Research Agency. What's hilarious is that no one was actually accusing Trump of that yet the dittoheads like you bought it. Lots were accusing him of colluding with Manafort and Stone which Barr of course does not address.


What i find really funny is this kind of thing would be something Maher would write a joke about if the other side said it. He'd quote it and the crowd would be shocked and mock it, instead he said it so the crowd applauds.


You seem like a real mallard if you don't mind me saying so.


Only room for one duck around 'ere ducko


I hate to rely on Wikipedia, but they do have the mallard cross-haired:

The mallard is considered to be a species of least concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Unlike many waterfowl, mallards are considered an invasive species in some regions.
