MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Basically Mueller said, lots of evidence...

Basically Mueller said, lots of evidence of obstruction of justice ...

but, he was not man enough to recommend charges ... he is going to leave it up to the hopelessly partisan Congress ... i.e. Senate.

So, get that, Trump supporters.


Nothing about Russia?


800 pages about Russia.


Partisan, as in elected by the people and not just unelected beuracrats. Don't worry Socialism is not far off.


a strong supporter of a party, cause, or person.

was brux saying the Senate kisses DT's ass?


So you have a point? People elected them. So you're saying the population is partisan and guess what, you're on the wrong side of public opinion. No matter how vocal your side is


Trump's 41.9% approval rating is on the wrong side of "public opinion". That's also a historical low for a first term president at this stage of his presidency.


So you’re saying Mitch is acting as a representative of the people and not as a proxy for Trump?

Wow, Trump supporters just love to deny things


Republicans in Congress are not only down on their knees licking Trump's ballѕ, but shoving each other out of the way shouting "Me first! Me first!". No matter how stupid or insane his actions are they absolutely will not stand up to him ever. It's truly pathetic to watch. I would never give that kind of unconditional mindless support to anyone under any circumstances.

We need to get rid of the political parties. The party system itself, these big monolithic organizations fueled by big money who dominate the political apparatus, is a big part of what ails this country. Dissolve the parties and make everyone run as an independent. Also no more money in politics. No more bribes, no more f*cking lobbyists.


Yeah. This whole "he was exonerated of ever doing anything illegal" line Republicans have taken on the report is a complete joke.


Republicans are like this group of psychos who try to appeal to other to join their ranks. There is no reasoning with them and they don't care about facts, or what this country is, they are like slaves lined up to build Pharaoh's pyramid or something ... complete idiots.


Now that republicans are stuck in a lie they will do everything in their power to prevent the truth from coming out. Hopefully they do not succeed in their own obstruction of justice.


AG literally quoted Mueller


Yup and the direct quote he provided explicitly said Trump was not exonerated.

“does not exonerate him”

What's your point?


What is he supposed to be exonerated for? He wasn't charged with any crime. Therefore he's automatically exonerated until someone proves otherwise.


AG literally quoted Mueller:

"it also does not exonerate him”

How much more clear can that actually get? He was punting the question to congress after laying out the evidence in the report. That's why congress needs the full report so they can decide.

Instead William Barr is corruptly trying to bury the report and has only promised a summary written in his own words.


Again. What doesn't it exonerate him from? If Mueller doesn't recommend he be charged for anything then he's innocent. Innocent until proven guilty. Being exonerated is irrelevant.

It's like me saying you're a murderer with no proof then saying you haven't been exonerated so that implies guilt somehow


Again, you're apparently so ignorant you refuse to read the letter and instead are asking me.

It really shouldn't be hard for you to read it for yourself kid. Use context clues to figure it out.


You're a pedophile. I've got no proof but that doesn't exonerate you.


You even said it yourself the AG literally quoted Mueller:

"it also does not exonerate him”

So try and use your brain if you have one and ask yourself what Mueller was referring to? Obviously he's referring to something.


Mueller is partisan. He couldn't take down Trump with evidence so he's trying to salvage his reputation


He's a Republican. As usual you've just got your facts wrong.


Wait so if Mueller's on Trump's side why would you demand to see his report? It's clearly going to whitewash the collusion by your logic


I'm not saying Mueller is on anyone's side. You are claiming Mueller is a Democrat and I'm pointing out you're wrong.


I never said he's a Democrat


You said he was a partisan. Your sentence only made sense if you meant he was a partisan Democrat. That's why I was pointing out you're wrong.

You're welcome.


I see nuances are hard for you


Kind of like the nuance of understanding what this means:

"it also does not exonerate him”

Yes, you really are struggling with simple nuance.


Oh please keep this conversation going! LOL You're drowning ducky in his own stupidity.

I swear he's another sock account of Thrillhouse, aka 3to10IQ. No way are there more than one with such a low IQ...or is there ?


Duck6 really does have a very low IQ. It's really quite undeniable when he needs me to translate Barr's letter to him.


Can you start by defining 'exonerate' for him? He's having a hell of a time understanding the meaning of that word.


That would be a challenge. You can't fix stupid, and he's clearly too stupid to grasp what it means.


Lol the mental gymnastics by these guys is amazing.

It doesn't matter what it means, they will argue the point only when it suits.


AG literally quoted Mueller.


So that makes what he said legally true. Got it.


You don't appear to get much, so I'm glad you got something.


Don't you wish you went to high school? Seriously? Don't you wish you went beyond the 8th grade?

You can still get your GED no matter how old you are - nothing to be embarrassed by. Or you can keep making a fool of yourself here, trying desperately to keep up with everyone else. The choice is yours.


Stock standard deflection. Got it.


Looks like you desperately need to read what those quotes are instead of trusting the word of a pathological liar president. Mueller spells out he was not exonerated.


When is Trump's sentencing?


Sitting presidents can't be indicted you colossal dumbfuck.


Is good news for your president.


Bad news for the country and common decency...


Obstruction of Justice, I thought this investigation was about a conspiracy to collude with Russia?


I have a definite problem with Mueller. His entire staff was rabidly anti-Trump and included those who were Obama and Clinton donors. He had to know within weeks, months at the outside that this was the biggest nothingburger ever served yet he plodded on, wasting money and ruining lives. There was no legal basis for a Special Counsel to begin with. What crime formed the basis for this investigation? Everyone knew almost immediately that the Steele dossier was a totally fabricated POS paid for by Hillary Clinton and that this fraudulent document was the basis for a corrupt FBI and DOJ to obtain FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign. The "birther" dumbassery can't hold a candle to this insanity. There was a least a basis for that, some evidence, some bi-partisan investiture, some contribution to the confusion by Obama himself and not nearly the almost universal stupid that enveloped this fairytale. And even more incredible, after House, Senate and Special Counsel investigations have cleared Trump a lot of morons in the Democrat Party still refuse to believe there was none!! Fuck Mueller. I hope he goes down in history with the infamy he so richly deserves..
