MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Trump: "I didn’t collude"...

Trump: "I didn’t collude"...

Dems: : "Wait for Mueller"
Mueller: "Trump didn’t collude"
Dems: "Wait for full report"
Full report: "Trump didn’t collude"
Dems: "Impeach Trump"

2020 is a guaranteed landslide as long as the DemonKKKraps don't acquire enough fraudulent votes in states beyond California (which has millions of fraudulent votes every election).


Lol, I read that meme over on Def-Con News!


They are now waiting for the full unredacted report.


Yeah the collusion is only in the redacted parts hahaha. It literally says "Trump colluded with the Russians" over and over so they had to redact it.


Update: No collusion.
