MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > T-rump's approval drops to 37% after Mue...

T-rump's approval drops to 37% after Mueller report released on Thursday

In the latest Reuters/Ipsos public opinion poll taken from Thursday afternoon through Friday, immediately after the release of the 'Mueller Report', just 37% of Americans approve of T-rump's performance as President, a dip of 3 % in the same poll taken just days prior before the report was released. When AG Barr gave his four page 'book report' on the 448 page Mueller findings at the end of March, his approval was 43 %.

Though Mueller didn't find any evidence of collusion, the report did find “multiple acts by the President that were capable of exerting undue influence over law enforcement investigations.”

Though Muller did not find evidence that T-rump had committed a crime, it did not exonerate him either (though Republicans misunderstood that) and left a road map for impeachment.

The poll was conducted on-line with 1,005 Americans participating - over 900 were 'very familiar' with the findings of the report.


Collusion doesn't exist under Federal law therefore Mueller wasn't looking for it:

page 2:
"...we applied the framework of conspiracy law, not the concept of "collusion."...collusion is not a specific offense or theory of liability found in the United States Code, nor is it a term of art in federal
criminal law. For those reasons , the Office's focus in analyzing questions of joint criminal liability
was on conspiracy as defined in federal law."

It wasn't Mueller's job to determine if Trump committed a crime. It's the job of Congress.


Very true.

Yet if Americans believed the report 'exonerated' T-rump from everythng (as Barr said) his poll numbers would be a lot higher than 37%.




I guess thats better than the 27% he would've got had Barr not redacted half of it.


Or the 20% if his supporters actually passed a literacy exam and understood what was going on.


Excellent. At least it seems some small fraction of his base will change their stubborn minds when they read the cold hard facts about the misdeeds of this bogus President as laid out in the report.

There will be further erosion once the hearings begin and Mueller, McGann, and countless others testify to what a villain Trump is.


So long as every subsequent president is ran through a perpetual witch hunt for the full length of their term.

I would be in favour of that.


Thanks for weighing in, Sonny. Now go back to your videogames.


... or we could get back to movies .... ?


Wow! Maybe approval ratings are as accurate as Nate Silver polling data.


With or without Russian interference?
