MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > will the Witch hunt for Trump ever end?

will the Witch hunt for Trump ever end?

I just came across this board on Trump by accident, kind of surprised there is a political talk on a movie chat site about Trump too. As much as I don't care to get into conversations about Politics with people today, but given that I was NOT even a fan of Trump before or even after he got elected as President but one can not deny his actions since he got in office. One of the things that has been going on since Clinton's time was the conflict with North Korea, that went on to Bush's 8 years and then Obama, none of these presidents even tried to create a dialogue but Trump did, as the media portrayed as a War monger, the same thing with Russia, all the bs propaganda about WW3 and Trump's finger on the atomic bomb, never happened either.

Then there is the matter of illegal immigration, but the media plays it as racism, but if you live in any border State like California, Arizona, and Texas and the problems that have accumulated over decades and decades with the influx of illegals and criminal activities then you try to maybe understand that Trump's whole concern is about illegal immigration and not just let anyone just come over and abuse the system, even Canada has a standard and point system based on education and work history to allow people to immigrate to their country, not just some lottery or anyone who has money, like the Chinese who are buying up real estate when they don't even live in this country.

But it's just seems like anyone who stands up to the status quo of what has been going in this country for years, like Trump has, the he is either bigot or a racist, its politically incorrect? Our founding fathers like John Adams, Jefferson, Fraklink, etc, who fought off the Brits to get rid off govt dominance to create this new world order to be run "we the people" has been hijacked for years by Democrats and the Republicans, who just want to their pay checks and pockets books full and fuck the people and we needed the political revolution for years and here comes someone who is NOT a politician, who speaks his mind regardless if he sounds stupid or comical but his actions so far do not illustrate someone who is milking this country's taxes for a war based on lies or some healthcare system, like ObamaCare that made millions lose their jobs.

But lets just all keep the hate and witch hunt against Trump going, because its a become America's favorite past time and lets make his personality overshadow his actions and lets even impeach him, but I ask you do you honestly want the shit that came before him ? Do you really think Hillary would be any different than Obama and that political theater to lie and convince us that minimum wages can't go up or all other BS excuses we have heard since Reagon got in, do you really want the same thing?


I doubt the witch hunt will end, even after Trump leaves office in 2025, but I am enjoying watching the arrogant ass-wipes in the political/hollywood/tv elite make idiots of themselves every day. It's payback for all that crap they gave us during both the Bush era and the Obama era, maybe even before that.


I am getting hammered with endless hate messages about Trump and I doubt if any of these people actually even have real FACTS?. I mean Nixon was impeached for Watergate; there was evidence to collaborate that, Clinton and his infidelity, then Bush did worse human crimes and got away it and even then I didn't see or hear the reaction about what he did that I keep hearing about Trump, who made peace with two countries that for years there was just tension. I just don't get what crime; what treason has he committed that this endless hate for this guy? He may seem bizzare because he is being who is, he is not scripted or plays to the media's bs either, and its become a crime in this country to even speak your mind and those millions of people who voted for him are all WRONG too? These people don't even realize they are the ones who creating apathy and conflict in our society by constantly devaluing someone who is just fed up with the direction this country has been going since Reagon got in.


His only crimes were being a Republican and ruining the left's globalist plans for world domination. Other than that, I don't think he can hold a candle to the crimes his predecessors did.

I don't remember Trump putting guns into the hands of drug cartels, coddling terrorists, murdering Americans by drone missiles, giving money to Iran, letting dangerous guys out of Gitmo in exchange for a loser deserter while ignoring a real American soldier that was imprisoned in Mexico, or lying about terrorist attacks both on our soil and abroad. I also don't remember him owning the press and making his critics "disappear" into prisons where nobody could hear about them being tortured. Heck, I don't even remembering hearing about him raping anyone and telling them to put ice on it.

But of course, that doesn't matter to the Left. All they care about is demonizing him because he isn't the "right" person they wanted in the White House.

Better if you just hit the ignore button and let the hate messages become static.


What the hell are you talking about? Yes I know PAU is awful, but Trumpf is Politics as Bizarre.
If you want people like the donald be the norm -- god help our wonderful country.


If this is a witch hunt then it's proven to be a successful one thus far with all the little witches in jail and/or pending trial.


Yep, we'll see what happens on the next election then you get the surprise the same way you got all it when Trump first got elected; that's the real answer to your BS witch hunt...Lol


People in Trump's orbit were guilty of crimes. They were caught. Many are in jail and/or pending trial. Hence, it's not a witch hunt.

Not difficult to understand.

And what does the next election have to do with this?


And what does the next election have to do with this?
Well, that's when you get another surprise when Trumps wins again and all your socalled theories will prove bogus...Lol


Uh, you didn't answer my question. I as talking about the people in Trump's orbit who wound up in jail and you injected this non sequitur about the election. That has nothing to do with what I was talking about.

Also, you shouldn't make your trailer park cousin-swap 2020 party plans just yet, Bubba J--Donald is in a lot of hot water right now and anything could happen.


Nice to see you dropping the charade and finally sporting your MAGA hat proudly.

Nothing wrong with that, no reason to pretend otherwise.


You are making good points but also wasting your time because the majority of anti-Trumpers on this board are very seriously mentally ill. 2020 will be a very good year for mental hospitals when Trump wins in a landslide.


Sock puppet.


Notice how wackpacker with 40ish posts is the only person in this thread that Birdman is willing to converse with without resorting to ad hominems? Hmmmmm...


Notice how wackpacker with 40ish posts is the only person in this thread that Birdman is willing to converse with without resorting to ad hominems? Hmmmmm...

Yeah definite sock talking to sock.

Topic with exactly zero substance, needs a decoy in order to legitimize it, and even that fails spectacularly.


I just wish they'd be more deceptive with it. Trumpers make it so difficult for me to tell if I'm getting Poe'd or not.


yes you are right on, I have got hammered with negative messages and just more personal dislike along with more media bogus links to Trump's socalled crimes?. I mean, I don't get these people, they forgot what Bush did with killing millions of people and took the economy to its worse ever, but I don't know what has Trump done that is so bad compare to that that hate they have for him is just all based on personal dislike of this man, its just so immature to me?. I was never a fan of Trump, I didn't care for his personality and some times he does act like a buffoon but I am not going to ignore what his actions that has with Korea and Russia, his attempt to build a wall to stop the illegals who come and abuse the system. Just take a look at the border states like California that is just getting worse. These people associate illegal immigration to racism, how many more Chinese do we have to let into this country?. They are already buying homes without living in this country, they buy and jack up the rent in almost every area of Los Angeles and San Francisco, I can show you ads on Craigslist that are in Chinese and they rent only to Chinese. Canada had so much problems with this issue they had to put a stop to.

Even the Iranians in Iran are in favor for Trump as a president;regardless of his feelings about the Iran deal; because he has even reached out to them to create a face to face meeting instead of starting a war or more frictions with them or the middle east. He could have just joined Israel like any Republican president would have and keep the hate going against Iran; but Trump even said in his last speech this country can not afford to be in another War. These are the actions of Trump that I value. But people bash Trump for anything he does good and attack his children too. I am just sick of this crap and that's why I posted this and yes I can't wait for the next election and see how these people can eat their words. They don't get it that people of this country are finally waking up to the lies and how the media is a part of it, they are tired of the same parties running the same political theater for 30 years and nothing changes; Trump is the result of that, he is the political revolution and I hope even after him we elect an independent party that is not associated with either the two SHITS: Dem/Rep they are the dictators not Trump.


I mean, I don't get these people, they forgot what Bush did with killing millions of people

Immediate Whataboutism. Distraction game, pointing away HEY LOOK OVER THERE, IN THE PAST!

As if past Presidents excuse present day corruption and lies and etc.

And yes ultravioletx and I are in agreement: You and wackpacker are clearly two conversing socks. EXPOSED



No, im afraid it won't end. We're stuck with him, hopefully until after the next election.


We're stuck with him, hopefully until after the next election"
No one is forcing you to be Stock here, you stick your nose into this board because its bothers you that someone does not share your views about Trump, but go ahead and wait after the next election when you really shit your


You act like they have anything better to do than hang around on this board all day.


Will the ignorantly blind defense of Trump ever end?


No it wont, and no one is forcing you to come to this board to read something that bothers you, but if anyone is ignorant and blind is the person who looks back at you in the mirror, you people have your head so far up your rear end that you know what's what? But just love to create conflict and apathy, its a pathology you all share. I know you just can't help yourself when you are filled with hate for someone because you got nothing else to do; so bounce some where where you can vent your hate about Trump; where your blood pressure doesn't rise, because there is board is not one of them.


Ahh. So thats what your OP is all about. It has nothing to do with having a real conversation about a witch hunt but rather to tell people who disagree with you to stop replying to you and to tell them they have their heads up their rears. Remember... all I did here was posit an honest question: Will the ignorantly blind defense of Trump ever end? And its got you all in a tiffy. Boo hoo.

Not surprising that the only person in this thread you were willing to have a real conversation with is the wackpacker sockpuppet :)


I love that... he says "no one is forcing you to come to this board to read something that bothers you" and then he tells you to leave and go find somewhere to vent about Trump LOL

What a hypocrite sock troll.


and no one is forcing you to come to this board to read something that bothers you

No one is forcing you to read about the "witch hunt" either, so what's your point of this post... and thus what is the point of this topic????

You're obviously just here to argue about nothing and spread incorrect information (aka spread propaganda).

Topic is still trash, sorry.


so bounce some where where you can vent your hate about Trump

I love how you start out saying "no one is forcing you to come to this board to read something that bothers you" and then you continue on with telling ultravioletx to leave and find somewhere else to post what he wants to post.

THUS, you're also a hypocrite in addition to an obvious sock and an obvious troll.

You're lying immediately in your topic (I no longer believe you were unaware when it comes to your false N.K. information) and spreading propaganda.

If anyone needs to get lost, it's you AND YOUR KIND.

You should be ashamed of this bullshit.


I posted and started the topic on this thread on this board you RETARD; that is why I come back to it, but you are the one who came here venting your shit about Trump, no one is forcing to come here, do you get that????????


Be careful of forggy and doogie. They are in damage control.


I like their new scam man sock.




Not until justice is done and Trump is removed.


Good luck with that..Lol
just wait till the next election and we'll see who is back in the White House.


That's right--we'll see who is back in the White House alright!

Joe Biden. Only this time as President.
