MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > BREAKING: Cheeto asserts "executive priv...

BREAKING: Cheeto asserts "executive privilege" to keep unredacted Mueller report from being released

The evil cheeto strikes again in his latest psychotic action.

I've been skeptical on impeachment for a long time but now even I think it's high time to do it. If this monster can just get away with whatever the hell he wants unchecked then we might as well call him our dictator. What the hell else would you call a president who can curtail every aspect of our legal system?

Where the fck are our checks and balances? This is a joke...



7 posts...



I'm tending to agree. Regardless of whatever the political consequences are by doing so, the House almost has to open impeachment proceedings because the flagrant and abusive behavior by this president can not be allowed to be ignored any longer. For the sake of what kind of government this country will retain after Cheato is gone in 2021, it's owed to history that at least one-half branch of the Legislative branch did the correct thing at this time.


Exactly. By doing nothing, the democrats are setting a precedent for Trump to feel he's free to just do whatever he wants WHEN he wants with zero consequences. It's not right.

I know Pelosi and some of the others think donald is goading them into doing so, and I think they're right--but that's irrelevant now. Donald likes to goad people. It's what he does. It's when people call his bluff that he freaks out and loses his sh!t.

I'm thinking donald is trying to put dems in a position where they look foolish and powerless while trying to send his own immature message of how he "can't be stopped" by them. I think he would freak the hell out if they actually pursued the impeachment proceedings. For god's sake--the man freaked out at the very prospect of answering Mueller's questions in even written form.

At this point we're stuck. If he's not impeached then he will feel emboldened to continue "pushing the envelope" to see just how far he can go unchecked. The impeachment will, at the very least, show that actions have consequences regardless of whether anything actually comes of the impeachment or not.

I'm sure it won't. I'm sure the a$$hole will come out of it, unscathed, but the message will be sent and that message is: Donald Trump isn't unanswerable for his actions. That will send the message as well as make donald a bit more paranoid. Bottom line--it has to be done. It might be the only way to stop donald's apparent rise to dictatorship.


But it completely exonerates him! You would think he'd want it all out there.


Yeah, exactly. We all know what's really going on here and it fcking stinks to high heaven. There will be consequences, good and bad, for impeachment...but it must be done. This might just be the worst thing he's done yet.

At this point, he's basically daring someone to try to stop him.
