MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > He comes across as a gay guy trying to b...

He comes across as a gay guy trying to be a macho straight guy

I've always thought that his speech patterns and mannerisms are those of an effeminate gay guy trying--unsuccessfully--to be macho and "straight".

Listening to him talk is like listening to Liberace do a bad impression of Tony Soprano.

I'm sure his dismissive attitude toward women and boasting about grabbing them by the pussy is overcompensation.






Sorry but I think you're just using that to justify your guilty fap-fests over him.


Someone is projecting... 🙄


It really discredits the medical community that Trump Derangement Syndrome hasn't been officially recognized. You people really need treatment. I can't imagine going through life like those of you with TDS do.


So what's that make biden to you? What straight man changes laws for the lgbtq community? A straight man is disgusted by it. Biden came in office gaying America up immediately. We already know he likes little girls. Probably boys too.


We already know he likes little girls. Probably boys too.
And it shows.
I always thought Biden looks and sounds like a creep in a porno movie.
