MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > What did Ivana know?

What did Ivana know?

Sources inside The Trump Family Crime Syndicate report that the FBI now has Ivana's diary, and reportedly she ws aware of Fat Donnie's iillicit incestuous relationship with Iskanka.

Ivana is quoted as writing, "Just because Iskanka was not his biological daughter does not make this okay!"

But was this fact, alone, enough to give Fat Donnie reason to Epstein her?


If you were AT LEAST funny....


There is nothing to be funny about.
This is serious stuff and I am serious as the "heart attack" that theoretically killed Ivana.


As Fat Donnie once said: “His father was with Lee Harvey Oswald prior to Oswald’s being — you know, shot. I mean, the whole thing is ridiculous. What is this, right prior to his being shot, and nobody even brings it up. They don’t even talk about that. That was reported, and nobody talks about it. I mean, what was he doing — what was he doing with Lee Harvey Oswald shortly before the death? Before the shooting? It’s horrible.”


Ivana was found dead at the bottom of her stairs yet it's been claimed she died if natural causes. Nothing suspicious about that all.


Ivana Humpalot?
