MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > So the Republicans will always insist th...

So the Republicans will always insist they won in an election, even if they may not have

Such a sad state of affairs about American Democracy if one of the political parties is such a sore loser.


One side? Democrats declared not my president as soon as Trump was elected.

Meanwhile, Biden's supposed 2020 win went against every other election in American history while having all the clear signs of the verified fraudulent elections from other countries.


Hillary conceded the election. There was never an attempt to overturn it by the Democrats. Another false equivalency from the right.

And there were no signs of a fraudulent election and widespread fraud. If there were it would have come up in the many court cases that were brought.


The democrats started their promised impeachment in 2017. However, they didn't have the numbers until after the 2019 midterms so they focused on the Russian collusion lie to remove the president.

Trump is the only incumbent in American history who gained support but lost the election. How convient? What would expect mass election fraud to look like?

The 2020 election had all the signs of fraudulent election: too many voters, a high turnout in specific areas, large number of invalid voting, delay in announcing the results...


They all came out on Election Day to vote Trump out.
He was Cancer


Cancer? Trump had the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years and best economic growth since 1950.


He was AIDS


An impeachment is not the same thing as launching a terrorist attack at everybody in the government to keep Trump in office. A march during inauguration that promotes equal rights and protections for everybody is a march to remind the newly elected President that he represents everybody, not his own personal interests. An impeachment is 1) an explicit acknowledgement that the President is the President (duh) and 2) theatre to inform the general public of all the crimes the President is committing. Stop The Steal was grooming voters to stop by any means necessary the certification of election results in order to keep the person who lost in power. There was no fraud in the 2020 election (other than a handful of Republican voters sending in ballots of their deceased wives and mothers...). Not one elected Republican objecting to President Joe Biden's electoral (and popular vote) win objected to his/her own election win on the same day on the same ballot using the same election system never doubted their own wins. All the Republicans that won their elections and re-elections won on the same day on the same ballot using the same election system and never questioned their own wins. There was no "invalid voting". There was no "delay" in announcing results. Before you were born people voted early, by mail, voted overseas, used ballot boxes, etc. The only time in recent history that election results for President were stalled was Bush II/Gore. Democrats did not launch a terrorist attack against the Capitol to stop the House or Senate from certifying the election results. They mobilized a nationwide march for inauguration day designed to remind the new President of the Presidential duty to represent everybody positively, not use the office of the Presidency to destroy people you and your ilk hate. They promoted racial and gender equality (American principles, Democratic principles) and nothing more. They did not launch an attack on the Capitol to kill everybody to keep Obama in power or to install Hillary as President.


That means nothing other than that turnout was higher for that election. That's all it takes for a candidate to lose an election despite getting more votes than the previous time he ran. There's nothing suspicious about it. Biden was not a popular candidate either, but there were more people who opposed Trump than favored him.


Turnout was higher in previous elections and yet 2020 remains unique to history. Again, what do you expect mass election fraud is going to look like?


Since 2000, turnout increased every election at the local/state/federal level, increases in the number of voters does not mean election fraud, there is almost no election fraud in this nation. When people who cannot take off from work are able to vote by mail or drop their ballot into a ballot box on the way to work, more working people vote. When seniors in nursing homes are able to vote by mail or have their ballots dropped into a ballot box, more seniors vote. When overseas ballot deliveries are expedited by overseas delivery services, more American voters overseas can vote. When more early voting places are opened up, more people vote early. When Democrats and Republicans go door to door registering people to vote and remain in contact with those people (constant voter outreach), those newly registered people go out and vote. FFS the Hillary campaign registered more than a hundred thousand Cuban-Americans in Florida to vote KNOWING they would mostly vote Republican. They were hoping by engaging that demographic in Florida one-on-one for months and months they could sway them to vote D. Those people voted R and Democrats did not scream "all those Cuban-American votes in Florida are fake fraudulent illegal!" They ground their teeth and sought to change their political message for that demographic.


That's not true. Turnout declined from 2008 vs 2012 going from 58.2% down to 54.9%.

Why no record turnout in 2016 for Hillary's historic run?


Again, turnout varies from election to election for a variety of reasons. There's nothing suspicious about record number of votes in 2020.


Turnout varying doesn't explain why the 2020 election has no other precedent in history, must be magic or mass election fraud.

Biden supposedly had the most votes ever while winning the fewest counties. Perfect cover for ballot dumping.


No, it's math. It's quite possible when you have a record number of votes being cast for both parties to get more votes than they had the previous elections. No magic required, unless you don't get math.


You don't seem to understand. Previous elections had higher turnout yet none of them are analogus to 2020 election.
What's the difference? The worst pandemic in 100 years just happens to come during an election year, facilitied unsolicited ballot requests. Perfect cover for mass ballot dumping.


That's not true. Turnout increased from 2008 to 2012 to 2016 to 2020 as well as for each and every midterm election. 2016 and 2020 each had record-breaking turnout. Why are you ignoring facts? Why did Republicans who won their elections and re-elections in 2020 happily accept their wins when they claim the election results were rigged and fraudulent? Why did they not step down as they asked Biden to step down? What is it about your brain that refuses to acknowledge facts and reality? You do realize you side-stepped everything I posted? Which is reality? Because you're a liar and troll?


You are a blatant liar. Turnout decreased 3.3% from 2008-2012.

Trump was an outsider. Many of the noted repubs were all too happy to have him out of the way in favor of a career politician like Biden. The elites wanted Trump out and just like other lies partisan support magically formed.


The impeachment was conducted for the sole purpose of informing everybody about Trump crimes that were constitutionally impeachable. The impeachment was carried out as the constitution describes. At no time was the impeachment process used to launch a terrorist attack against Republicans to kill them to install Hillary as President. The impeachment process rigidly followed the legally-described process. Unlike Stop The Steal, which included nationwide campaign-type speeches where Republican leaders pushed Republican voters to go to the Capitol and fight to the death to protect the government from Democrats, where Republican leaders told their voters they had to fight for their very lives to protect their bibles, their guns, their babies, their wives, their houses, their schools, their jobs, etc, that they needed to go out and fight the war against Democrats, that the entire process was a battle for Christian values and the Christian soul and Republican voters needed to save the country from Democrats, prompting Republican voters to mobilize nationally for a terrorist attack against the Senate to stop the certification and buy time for new electors to change the results and keep Trump in power. Republicans groomed and pushed an actual terrorist attack to destroy election results and destroy the American government to keep Trump in power. Democrats blamed Hillary for losing and moved forward with nationwide marches to remind Trump of his responsibility to represent all Americans, and to legally challenge Trump on every horrific thing he signed off on. Democrats sued the Trump Administration to obstruct its terrible policies. Republicans tried killing everybody to keep Trump in power. Republicans murdered their own people ffs. They murdered police ffs.


Agreed, but it's very far from one-sided. The Pubs (or more accurately, Trump) just decided to finally play the same game.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.


Fantastic work as always, but lets keep the facts to a minimum here as the dems hate facts.


They believe they could win against emus.
