MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > What do you say after communists arrest ...

What do you say after communists arrest you?

You say the same damn thing you've been saying the whole time, fuck these weasels you double down and call them out on stealing the election again. Hey communists, fuck your threats, fuck your lies and deception, fuck your doublespeak and dishonest debating, fuck your ill informed opinions downloaded from jackass talking heads on tv. Trump is taking back the country you tried to steal. Watch this space.


The communist party was banned in the United States. It's foolish to think they all vanished into thin air when that happened. They infiltrated the democratic party and are now in control. That means it's time to ban the democratic party. Their RICO crimes between the election, the supression by the media under their thumb, and everything Biden has done for foreign energy to line his pockets is plenty enough to ban them and throw the ring leaders in jail until their executions for treason.


I think a lot of people owe old Joe McCarthy a big apology.
