MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Ann Coulter: "tRump has a vocabulary of ...

Ann Coulter: "tRump has a vocabulary of about 50 words"

She also says that President Obama was "probably the most articulate president we've ever had."




But they are strong fifty words. Probably the greatest fifty words ever. And the biggest words. Strong. Great. Big. He clearly babbles at a level that MAGAs can understand since he loves the uneducated…and the easily manipulated. That reminds me….and lately, he has added HELP and SEND ME YOUR MONEY (because he needs to continue duping the dupes).


And I would add that his primary language is Whinese. 🤣🤣🤣


Well considering how the Democrats are finally admitting Trump was right about the Wall, I'd say no one is whining but the hypocritical Democrats & Liberals who are to blame for this bullshit since Day 1.. If the shoe fits?? WEAR IT!!


If Trump was right about the wall, then why was he so wrong about getting it built? Are you really saying that the Democrats decide what is correct now? Have you changed parties?


No democrat has every said Trump was right about the Wall. Because he isn't.


Yeah, Trump wasn't right about the Wall, which is once again why Biden is backtracking on this now and it's painfully obvious.. What the hell's wrong with you??


Why are you not happy that Biden is continuing Trump's wall? It's what you wanted, right?


For starters, Biden didn't backtrack about anything, at least not publically. Everything I've read supports that a motion to build a 20-mile stretch of wall in a rural spot of unpopulated Texas had already been set in place before Biden's administration and that he is not in favor for it. This wall would occupy less than 0.1% of the Mexico-America border. Also, if you look at the "wall", it's more like a 10-foot high fence.

But let's say he is. Let's say he is backtracking on the wall and fully supports it. Why are you mad? If anything you're getting exactly what you wanted. Shouldn't you be praising Biden?


But let's say he is. Let's say he is backtracking on the wall and fully supports it. Why are you mad? If anything you're getting exactly what you wanted. Shouldn't you be praising Biden?"

You're like the 4 or 5th poster who's asked this, so let me answer it: Because Biden never should've said No to the Wall from the get go when he stole office, but did so out of Spite toward Trump and now because of it, Biden looks like a dumb ass over it and not fit to serve this Country.. Fair enough??


"You're like the 4 or 5th poster who's asked this, so let me answer it"

Ah... finally fulfilling your end of the "message board agreement"... a chumper who keeps his shitty word... who'd have thunk it?!

Fkn dildo.


Just admit you blindly hate Biden and blindly support Trump without truly understanding why. If Biden were republican and Trump were democrat you would be sucking Biden's 80-year-old cock. You simply can't defend yourself.


Just admit you blindly hate Trump & Blindly support Biden without truly understanding why. If Biden were republican and Trump were democrat you would be sucking Biden's 80-year-old cock. You simply can't defend yourself.



No one is saying Trump was right about the wall. Trump wanted the wall because, ew, poor people are dirty and carry disease and are just so far beneath him. Most of the people who oppose the way have a serious issue with the idea the people born outside of the US are someone less human and less deserving of the opportunity to work for better life for themselves and their family.

The biggest reason for adding on to the wall is so that people go through an actual boarder crossing. Having random people cross the boarder in random places is what is causing haos . But saying no to all immigrants because they are somehow sub human is disgusting.


" disgusting."

This bears out... trump and his supporting cock suckers are disgusting.


Mmm, Keelai had a thread recently where she was BRAGGING, becasue Biden was building a wall that Trump could not.

Admittedly her... everything was incoherent, more so than normal, BUT, if building the wall NOW is worth bragging about, then the Wall was a good idea.

Also, your race baiting is retarded shit talk. Only a fool is for unlimited immigration. And we have passed the reasonable limit decades ago.


What does race have to do with anything?


All your talk of "sub humans" which was not a part of the Trump immigration policy, sounded lke you were hinting a the standard wacism whining.

Only a fool is for unlimited immigration. And we have passsed the reasonable limit decades ago.


"And we have passsed the reasonable limit decades ago."

Native Americans disagree and think you should check yourself, douche tool.


Irrelevant. THe fact remains, we have had absurdly high immigration for way too long and are having massive problems from it.

Any reduction would be to the good. THe lower the better. Deporting as many as possible also a plus.


You reap what you sow, dildo. Remember that because it is true. And truth is eternal, regardless of what YOUR feelings and "thoughts" dictate.

How my dictate?!


Errr, what are you talking about?

Feelings? The massively high level of immigration we have had since the mid 60s is hardly a "feeling" I have, but more of a well documented historical fact.

Trump was/is the most anti-immigration choice available and it clearly is in the best interests of the country and it's citizens to reduce immigration, the more the better.


"Errr, what are you talking about?"

Your stupid opinion.

"Feelings? The massively high level of immigration we have had since the mid 60s is hardly a "feeling" I have, but more of a well documented historical fact."

For all the yapping about "lib feelings", you all (chumpers and fucking racist cocksucker amerikkkans) do, you sure are sensitive....
What are you afraid of? Cheap labor??? Your slut daughters' "virtue"...? Or simply NOT BEING THE MAJORITY ANYMORE?

Cos you're afraid and it shows.

'Trump was/is the most anti-immigration choice available and it clearly is in the best interests of the country and it's citizens to reduce immigration, the more the better."

I am aware... it is why I posted a reply... it makes sense a TWAT who would not even BE in America were it not for LAX IMMIGRATION, once a citizen, wants to ban everyone else!

I notice in all of fat fonzie's speeches, fucker NEVER MENTIONS the russians invading Brooklyn, cheating welfare, and aid programs like the filth they swear they are not... no, fat fuck just talks about Mexico!

Which, if you're a fan of HISTORY, you know this country WAS Mexico at one point... but folks wanna forget... that's why your dildo politicians are banning BOOKS that tell that story!

And YOU know it.

C'mon! Don't bullshit me!


Man, Settle down.

Yes, I am "afraid" of cheap labor. I want RISING WAGES, and that's not going to happen with an unlimited supply of cheap labor flooding into the country.

Mmmm, odd, for all your rage at the very mention of immigration causing problems you seem to be able to list problems caused by WHITE immigrants. How strange.

Mexico is of course, teh source of most of our ILLEGAL immigration, which Trump, like most politicians, give more consideration to than immigration overall.

And so what if part of this country was mexico at some point. You arguing for border changes?


"Yes, I am "afraid" of cheap labor. I want RISING WAGES, and that's not going to happen with an unlimited supply of cheap labor flooding into the country.

"Rising Wages" is a thing you're used to seeing? In my "brief" time on this Earth, I've not seen this so much. Where is it you live and what system of government do they practise?

Cheap labor has always spirited our economy in America. That you have found sanctuary for your racist OR xenophobic tendencies in the American immigration policy does not negate this.

"...all your rage at the very mention of immigration causing problems you seem to be able to list problems caused by WHITE immigrants. How strange."

Not at all. Another error in your 'logic', or ability to PAY ATTENTION... perhaps you are being obtuse.. either way, those "problems" are part of what has to be dealt with as a country that was BUILT by IMMIGRATION. You take the good with the bad and try to find a way to circumvent "problems" without being a fucking hypocritical and bigoted TWAT. It's what Americans do! And if it weren't, we'd have never made it out of the depression!

I listed those things cos FAT FONZIE likes to spew shit about immigrants, but NEVER mentions the WHITE ones... the russian pigs coming here to steal our way of life! They give less a shit for our country than anyone.

"And so what if part of this country was mexico at some point. You arguing for border changes?"

No, but some of you chumpers seem to need a history lesson prior to spewing your nonsense. You need to understand WHY we are here.

PS ask your hero fat fonzie about the Polish "illegal immigrants" he had build his shitty building... but I doubt you care... fat fonzie cheated them out of payment too...your pig hero...



1. I made no claim of being "used" to rising wages. I said I WANT rising wages. Which is one complaint againt high immigration. Which is a pretty reasonable point, so settle your hysteria down.

2. So you admit that there are problems associated with immigration. That was my point. So your pretense that it is crazy and/or racist to be against immigration is shown to be just you being an asshole.

3. Your assumption that I or other Trump supporters don't know of the history of hte American SW, is stupid. REMEMBER THE ALAMO, BABY.


1. Then your want for rising wages is asking for something more than we have ever had.
This pyramid scheme that is capitalism will never yield "rising wages" and has always looked to scapegoat something or someone for it and it's only gotten worse since the 80's.
Reagan made it worse, and every fkn repub that's come since has done his part to add to that!
When you have an economy that THRIVES on the middle class, the last thing you should do is TAX them the most. You need BUYERS and folks who will spend money on TVs and barbeques and cars and products that are made in America, but MANUFACTURING was sold out too! Yet you and your kind REFUSE to admit it!

You want republicans who seem to give tax cuts to the wealthy, and look the other way when NONE OF IT trickles down to the middle class! Then you buy their horse shit demonizing if..!

2. There is no PERFECT solution. Just like there is NO PERFECT Government. The founding fathers you and your kind like to talk shit about knew this. this is why they made it so the Constitution could be changed if needed. They knew they didn't know everything... UNLIKE you and every fkn repub I have seen run for office in my life time!

Me being an "asshole" has NOTHING to do with it!

3. Yes, the alamo... you suckers are still bent about getting scalped by Mexicans that you got to shit on them today still... it's sad and pathetic. Have you learned NOTHING from civics classes growing up? Or is "revenge" the only thing that drives you?

Davy Crocket was a fag!


1. You look at historical graphs, we had good wage growth before the changes to immigration in the 60s. But you flood the labor market with cheap third world labor, wages fall. What a shock. That's not "demonizing" anyone asshole, that's dealing with a FACT.

2.If there are real problems with high levels of imigration, then there are real reasons to be opposed, and your hysterical raving about it, is uncalled for. Defend your position reasonably, or admit that you cannot.

3. You are not making sense. One post back you accused us of being ignorant of history, now you are claiming that we seek vegenance for history. YOU brought up the US/ Mexican War, where we took a big part of then northern Mexico. Why? How is that relevant to today? There is a point to be made there, but it is not a point that most lefties are comfortable with. Most of you like to hint at it, but then are afraid to make it clearly.


What graphs? link it or it's more of your horse shit!
Who benefits from cheap labor, dildo? Huh?! And who is getting tax breaks, dildo, huh?!
And if those benefiting from "cheap labor" run the lobbyists in DC with their money, who do you think they fight for, huh dildo?

The "problems" you list are social problems because in the end, you have NO POWER to change the lobbyists in DC or what and who they fight for.... everything else is just gravy bullshit you use to fuel your hate and anger, dildo.

You being subjective and "remembering the alamo" is specific to YOUR CAUSE, dildo. I have no horse in that race other than to make THIS COUNTRY BETTER THAN IT WAS, not go back to some bs ideal you "remember" with the Alamo, dildo. I could give a fuck about the Alamo.

My point was your history is only what you wanna see. Someone like me brings up UNITED FRUIT and the damage it's done in South America and Central America, and you fucking dildos run for the hills talkin about "feelings"...

You're not stupid. You know what you're doing.... which is my point. You're a fucking hypocrite. Cal me ass hole all you want. I ain't no fucking dildo hypocrite, that's for sure.

This country was built on and with immigration. They let folks in by the boat load at Ellis Island, dildo. That you refuse to "remember" means shit! It happened. So calm yourself down, you little twat!

Show the historical graphs of how much "trickle down" has actually failed!

No, right?!

You can be as angry as you like... nothing will change the fact that what you are is afraid. And you should be. You're outnumbered just like Davy Crocket...

And Davy Crocket was a fag.


1. Sure here you go.

2. The lack of accountability of our representatives is a seperate and distinct issue. The point HERE, is that you have admitted problems from high immigration. Sooooo, drop the act as though being opposed to it, is unreasonable.

3. YOU brought up that war, and the results. Your implication was obvoius, but as normal for lefties, when I challenge you to made it clearly, you change the subject. Because you are not prepared to admit the truth of your position.

4. This country was NOT built by immigrants. This country was built by native born Americans.

5. So much hostility and hate coming from you. I'm "outnumbered" and SHOULD be "afraid"? Why should I be afraid? What is the threat to me? What are you hinting will happen to me, if you get your way and flood the nation with third world immigrants?


"Sooooo, drop the act as though being opposed to it, is unreasonable."

There is no "act". And I never said it was "unreasonable". That is your fabrication to justify your position on the matter. What I have always been against is hypocrisy, and acting as though American shit don't stink as much as any other region in the world. Aside from using insulting nomenclature to describe you and your fellow posters, I don't think I ever stated y'all was "unreasonable". For me, there are problems in whatever "solution". It's the same as this shit conflict in Israel. There are two sides who will not yield ANYTHING. And please don't bullshit about how "good" one side is over the other...! There are angels and devils on BOTH sides and this... fucking THIS is why there is NO EASY SOLUTION.

Yes, two completely different worlds, but the feelings appear similar. One side believes the other is dirt and deserves whatever punishment one side wishes to dole out.

"YOU brought up that war, and the results. Your implication was obvoius, but as normal for lefties, when I challenge you to made it clearly, you change the subject. Because you are not prepared to admit the truth of your position.

Is this like when you and your kind refuse to answer a question because you know it'll expose you as a hypocrite, so you resort to name-calling?!

Doesn't feel good, does it?

"What are you hinting will happen to me, if you get your way and flood the nation with third world immigrants?"

Well, perhaps I was having too much fun with the hyperbole, but your insistence on this being an issue, meanwhile, your president addressing the issue in a way similar to that of your fat fonzie did, is showing your hypocrite nature. You don't "need" to be afraid... you read afraid.... you and all your silly buddies who protest immigration in America whilst coming from immigration yourselves.



1. i can talk forever about America's flaws. That I oppose high immigration in no way implies that I think America's "shit doesn't stink". Nor do I think that foreigners who want to come here for economic reasons are "dirt" or "sub human" but they do have interests that conflict with mine, and as I am an American and they are NOT, American policy should serve MY interests. That is the way countries work.

2. LOL. The point you are hinting at, is that you do not believe that America has the moral or legal RIGHT to control it's immigration. That is the only way that your previous words would be relevant or on topic. Yet you don't want to be clear, because A. that would let Americans realize how little consideration you give them, and b. it would be easy to debunk.

3. Fair enough. YOU are not threatening me. Good. Though it is worth noting that I hear a LOT of talk from other lefties about "whites dying out" and such shit. I think that "fearing" some ill intent on the part of other people on your side of this issue, is not unreasonable.


1. Sure you have a right, but you also need to realize that CLOSING ALL IMMIGRATION won't work either. I'd like to "fix" it in a humane way. And as you note, Obama ALSO separated children from their parents at the border... I wish some of the conservative folks would COMPLIMENT him on this as it seems that when trump did it, everyone wanted to pat him on his fat back.

2. Of course I believe America has the right to enforce its own immigration, but people of America NOT listening to bullshit "news" networks like fox is the way. CNN is no better, mind you, but folks are so locked into their "side's" thinking on this that no amount of TRUTH to the contrary will make a difference. And that is what I am against. People have to look at things with an open mind and with trust that the other side is going to do the same. I think you don't want that because you too are welded into this belief that the "right" is right about everything. I do NOT believe the LEFT is right about everything.

3. It's the thing on your and a lot of folks minds because it is how shit networks like FOX sell it! The only way they get "loyal" audiences is to tell them to fear something, and "we'll be right back with the solution" bullshit. Ad revenue is what it is all about on both sides.

Bottom line is there are pros and cons to immigration. It needs to be done better, and that takes money and people. If PEOPLE are so set in their ways of thinking and look at immigrants as a subset of humanity, it's NEVER going to work. Just look at the world right now and you will see this. There has to be a better way and neither side has it.

We voted for this. That we were fooled is not relevant...we voted for this. And this is my anger. People, good people believed the birth certificate bullshit an let their HATE guide their votes.

Look at history in America. During the last 40 years, it has been republicans who have led us to war and recessions, despite what you might think of democrats.


1. Why do you think closing immigration would not work?

2. Then stop making arguments that are based on attacking the legitimacy of our right to do so. Mention the Mexican American War in this context ONLY makes sense, if you were implying that we cannot have immigration policy becuase this land is not rightfully ours.

3. No, it's on my mind because I hear a lot of lefties gloat about me and mine "dying out". Or about how once the nation goes minority majority that there will never a republican president again, or other dark hints of oppression.

4. We did not vote for this. The current immigration situation is caused by our voted for policies NOT being enforced.

5. Last 40 years? You want to include REAGAN in this? The guy that managed a relatively bloodless end to the Cold War?


1. Ask the business owners who profit from illegal immigration that... ask them why the perpetrate otherwise to the likes of folks like you.

2. My arguments are against those who act as though immigrants are lesser than... like dirt, and this is what I see every day.

3. I am not gloating. I had a little fun with you and playing on that specific fear, but I am not gloating at your extermination, but at what I surmise as more OPEN MINDED PEOPLE WHO KNOW BOTH SIDES being allowed to VOTE, and not just one side that thinks the marjorie taylor greenes are the way we should all be.

4. Why? Because racists cunts who work in government at the border said so?

5. His policies also let crack cocaine become an epidemic in our inner cities... but maybe you don't care about that... maybe that's a demographic that YOU can threaten with extermination... who knows, but it's what reagan did along with reaganomics that took US into a recesssion, but maybe YOU don't care about the economy... in this thread...


1. No. You made the assertion, now explain your reasoning. Or admit that you can't and you have some other reason for supporting high immigration.

2. The mainstream republicans AND Trump are not defined by that fringe. It is not reasonable of you to do that.

3. We are past that. I did not say you. My point stands. It is on my mind, not becasue of fox but because of the large number of people on YOUR side that gloats about me and mine "dying out". And no one is talking about denying any Americans their right to vote on these issues, so... you can drop that too.

4. Because the failure of our government to enforce our immigration laws is demonstrated by the tens of millions illegals living in this country AND by the massive abuse of family chain immigration. BTW, you lose credibiliy when you play the race card, fyi.

5. Wow. And you IMMEDIATETLY run away from your own point to make other irrelevant points. Also, again, you lose credibility when you play the race card. I've said NOTHING to justify you implying I want to genocide the blacks. That was WEAK of you.


1. Don't play dumb. You know what I am saying is true. You and your kind are geared up to hate immigrants as "the enemy" by the same folks who profit off of illegal immigration. Also, it's so part of "the American way" that we have to ask, who's gonna pick fruit? You?! Lazy American kids?! Who?! And then how will our "system" survive if there's NO ONE to pick fruit? But you don't wanna answer that cos there IS no easy answer and you would be left lobbying for illegal immigraion.

2. "They're sending rapists..." I'm not gonna quote all the shit that came out that asshole's cock hole, you know he said it! You're playing dumb cos you think it'll make me angry enough to lose it and resort to name calling. I am not like you!

3. What you fear is not dying out... it's losing votes, and this is already happening! It's why the right has had a conniption fit over Taylor Swift getting young people to register to vote. It's why books are being banned and why you little fascists fear the next thing will be death squads coming for you! That's in YOUR MIND and because of YOUR GUILT. There's ONE WAY to fix that! Be a leftist! :)

4. Who's playing the race card here?! It's been played by your fat fonzie idol! And please don't insult anyone's intelligence by implying it HASN'T! You douche tools love it when some inept basement dweller shoots up a black church, or someone guilty of selling loose cigs gets murdered on camera by cops... you love that shit! Race has been and will always be a part of this argument. This is America.

5. I am not running from shit. You don't like truth. And whether or not you do means fuck all to me as truth is beyond you or me and our little opinions. Call me weak or whatever... you can't say that I am a liar. And bringing up the "inner city" is not bringing up race. You imply that. Which means you know exactly what i am referring to. So don't bullshit me with you narrow minded shite.


1. Nothing in discussing the impact of immigrate labor justifies this talk of "hate".

2. Some republicans want cheap labor for employers. Ditto Dems. I know that. That is why I did not vote for them in 2016.

3. Easy is a spin term. Yes, some employers would struggle without cheap immigrant labor. That is a price I am willing to pay.

4. Crime does come over the border. And the rape...issue on the border, the human trafficking, is a Crime against Humanity, IMO. Again, IMO, those issues ALONE, are reason enough to seal the border.

5. It is not guilt. What do you make of all the hate and talk of whites "dying out" from those on your side?

6. This country has had a bi-partisan consensus on equality for blacks since the mid 60s. Pretending that there is a massive racist voting population in this country, at least on the RIGHT, is silly. When you do that, you lose credibility.

7. LOL. You said not just "inner city" but "demographic". Combined with your other race card plays, it was clear what you meant. AND if I am wrong, then whatever, somehow I misread your intent. BUT, you were certainly running away from Reagan's massive foreign policy record. Winning teh cold war. Avoiding WWIII!!!!!

It is funny. If it was a dem that managed to end the cold war, without any major war or nukes, your side would be still short stroking it all over the place. Hell, lit would make the Camelot bullshit look like nuanced, good reporting. lol!!!


3. YOU are willing to pay... do YOU control the lobbyists in DC? If you do, then we got a chance.

4. Not only over the border, but from our own business owners and company heads like Harvey Weinstein. That you act like it's 'only' from over the border is a bit hypocritical.

5. BS talk. It's a way of twisting the knife, so to speak... it is clear it bugs the shit out of you.

6. I don't have to "do that", Fox News does it every fucking day.

7. Who lives in the inner cities? Huh?! Yes, people of color, but also LIBERALS... and who lives in rural communities... who gets frozen out by shitty infrastructure that RED politicians let go to shit?! And then WHO SAVES those communities. Be real.

Yes, Reagan was great for many things, but he had his warts too. I wish Clinton could keep it in his pants too... as Slick Willy had his warts too! Be nice if we had a candidate without warts. But we don't.


3. So, you dropping your other arguments and are moving to the "not politically possible" position? If not, then please address that I responded to your point with a YES, I SUPPORT EMPLOYERS PAYING THAT PRICE.

4. Commenting on crime coming over the border in no way suggests that that is the only crime. My point stands. The SLAVE TRADE is justification enough to seal the border.

5. So just ignore their threats of genocide and oppression, it si just talk? Mmmm, forgive me, considering the hate I so often see from these people, I think I will not do that.

6. This point is not about Fox. This nation is not racist. The white population has been indoctrinated with anti-racism their entire lives. It is wrong and insulting of you to pretend otherwise.


3. I ain't dropping anything. I tell it like it is. You seem to need a solution that says "you're right". But no one is "right" unless you you allow for immigration to happen, and tax properly those who want to come here. This won't happen if you close the border, which is what you want. And closing the border ain't what the lobbyists and business owners want either... they may say that to get you and fools like you to vote for their candidates, but it's not what they want.

You want to seal the border because your "way of life" is threatened. Your "superiority and PRIVILEGE is threatened. Admit it.

5. Be glad you don't live in the middle east where the hatred goes on for thousands of years. Be glad some of us DON'T WANT REVENGE, we want RESPECT. And don't be such a wuss.

6. Yes it is. This is where most of you get your news! That you mention "racism" and "anti-racism" is telling... there is ONLY ONE RACE, the HUMAN RACE. But for some fucking reason, we are all caught up in this trivial shit of appearance. If there is something I want to kill, that's it. "Racism" is bullshit buzz word used to rile folks up and make them vote a certain way. Congratulations! You've proved it's worked with you.


3. I have never in my life had any "privilege" or "superority" so that dog will not hunt. My reasons for my position are my STATED reasons. Your request to assign me made up reasons is denied.

5. NO. Oh, and my submitting to you telling me what to do? That would be being a "wuss". That is what you see in white libs.

6. This nation has had a bi-partisan consensus on equality for blacks since the mid 60s. When you deny that, you insult all the people that stood up to actual racism, when racism fought back. Way to piss on their sacrifices. Very disrespectful.


3. that dog won't hunt, huh?! lol

5. it's funny that was all you got from this reply! telling too.

6. No it hasn't. BOTH sides were dragged kicking and screaming into the civil rights debate by the great sin of slavery. You don't give two shits about folks who stood up to racism cos if you did, your outlook and thinking when it comes to immigration would be different. Subvert all you like. No one is fooled unless they WANT to be.


3. Correct.

5. I'm not taking direction from you. That kind of talk, ends me listening. you got something to say, try a different way of saying it, if you want a more nuanced response.

6. LOL. I didn't say I cared about them. I was just pointing out that YOU clearly don't. More and more I consider them failures. You are worse, you are pretending they didn't even exist or try. You might as well go piss on MLK's grave.

7. There is nothing about the civil rights movement that means that I cannot be opposed to high immigration. That is a very "telling" thing fo ryou to even claim. YOu seem to be implying that opposition to immigration is inherently wacism. is that your intent?


" I didn't say I cared about them."

I know this like I know the other things I pointed out and i won't argue how much I care because I have lived it. You may have not. Hence why YOUR PRIVILEGE is what spirits your nonsense here, although you'd never admit it.... this isn't a court of law but a message board, and dildos like you thrive in here. That much is obvious.

It is RACISM. You think it's a threat to your way of life. What "way" is that...?! YOUR PRIVILEGE and perceived "superiority". It's why you take it so personal. But don't worry. Those of US on the other side take it personal too, and we are right.


When you deny the results of their fighting, you are denying all their fighting.

That is YOU shitting on those people, the black and the white, MLK, all those whites that voted for civil rights candidates and policies, you are shitting all over them, not me.

And so we come to the crux of the matter. I have a policy position and you say wacism. And that is all you have.

I take it personally because when you call me PERSONALLY a racist, you are calling me what in our society is a very strong name.

And it is cowardly of you to pretend otherwise.


Your own words paint you as such.

And at the crux of it, that's why you and your kind of poster gets all bunched up.


No. You lost the debate so you go to name calling.

It is all you have.

You lose.


LOL! YOU are the one stating that I called you such... and I didn't... I merely pointed at what your own words paint you as, and YOU DON'T LIKE IT.

You're A LOSER. That's who does that!



Save the weasel words for someone that cares.

You lost the debate, so you play the Race Card, and act like that is supposed to mean something to me.


It does. That much is clear and doesn't depend on your subterfuge.


3. So, you dropping your other arguments and are moving to the "not politically possible" position? If not, then please address that I responded to your point with a YES, I SUPPORT EMPLOYERS PAYING THAT PRICE.

4. Commenting on crime coming over the border in no way suggests that that is the only crime. My point stands. The SLAVE TRADE is justification enough to seal the border.

5. So just ignore their threats of genocide and oppression, it si just talk? Mmmm, forgive me, considering the hate I so often see from these people, I think I will not do that.

6. This point is not about Fox. This nation is not racist. The white population has been indoctrinated with anti-racism their entire lives. It is wrong and insulting of you to pretend otherwise.


I made a strong and rational argument in favor of my position on immigration, and you tried, you made some arguments,

but when seriously challenged, your arguments fell apart quickly and you, instead of having the moral courage to admit that,

played the Race Card. Which is an admission that you lost.


"Which is an admission that you lost."
If you say so... I mentioned your "privilege" and you whine about being called a racist and how that makes you a winner.

I am crying for no privilege lost. I am an American, and by your standards, should feel superior to immigrants... i don't. If that makes me a loser in your jaded eyes, so be it.

You are clearly fearful and afraid. And of a boogeyman that doesn't exist. To me, that makes you the loser, whether you cop to it or not.


1. I addressed your point about "white privilege" . That you dismiss it now as "whining" is you unable to make a real argument so going with logical fallacy of proof by ridicule. Which is another way of saying, you lost.

2. "Crying"? Again, instead of seriously addressing my arguments, or even defending your own, all you have is emotional assertions as though that is supposed to impress...someone.

3. My arguments against high immigration policy were had nothing to do with Americans being or feeling "superior" to immigrants. So, that is just some shit talk from you.

4. lol. DUDE. You got your ass kicked and you know it. Playing the race card was your final humilation.


1. If "addressing it" is another way of saying you got offended and declared you were being called a racist, which you are not, then providing no proof of this, ok. You did that. BTW, how determined you get to keep repeating the same bullshit, while ignoring any point I make does not make you a winner.

Perhaps I should just declare you insane and say I am done with this thread, but I have not and will not. You don't want to admit to it... your racism... yet every post you make, every effort put forth to debate in here shows your ass more and more.

THIS COUNTRY WAS BUILT BY AND WITH IMMIGRANTS. PERIOD. You want some way to deny this without outright denying this, and that's impossible in reality, but in a message board....

2. You have done the same. Yes, you are crying because your "way of life", be it country music, fucking your cousin, bbq pork rinds on football day, or miley cyrus' daddy music dancin', is threatened by OTHERS coming here... the way your family did, if in fact you ARE American.

3. They do. Because you feel entitled And in a system of majority rule, that is THREATENED by YOU being in the MINORITY. And in reality, you're NOT in the minority. People of color do NOT pose a threat population-wise:

It's more a way of THINKING. Lib Thinking, to be exact, and it is clear YOU and those who support the bag of donkey shit you support, don't want people lib-thinking either, but it's happening. You can't outlive those YOUNGER THAN YOU. And the YOUTH will save this country. This is what you fear most.

4. I'm gonna quote your bullshit and post: I will admit nothing of the sort! LOSER!

See, two ass holes can do it in reply to each other... doesn't fix anything... doesn't absolve either of us from our mistakes.

Stopping immigration is not something the overlords, both yours and mine, will allow. No matter WHAT Fox News tells you!

Got it, dude?


Ok, a lot of useless stupid shit there, but I will address the few actual points you made, besides just playing the Race Card.

1. This country was NOT built by immigrants. It was built by native born Americans.

2. I've explained some of my arguments against high immigration. I did NOT just express... "crying" about it and leave it at that. I gave you real explanations and clear positions that you could reply to, instead of vague, meaningless shit.

3. Errr, I will restate my point I think you were responding to here, so you can try again, more coherently.

My arguments against high immigration policy were had nothing to do with Americans being or feeling "superior" to immigrants. So, that is just some shit talk from you.

4. Stonewalling is a troll tactic. That is nothing to be proud of. Indeed, you should feel shame.


Keep flailing... I know you get what I am saying cos no one can be that obtuse by nature.

1. Those native born americans... how'd their parents get here?
Who built the railroads? Who built the first sky scrapers? Learn some history, dildo.

*yeah, i'm fkn name calling now!*

2. You talked about rapists and criminals... as if none of those come from russian immigraion, which you have NEVER mentioned being "against".

4. You stonewall, bud... yes, you do... you and your fellow chumptard douche tools do it, so don't act innocent. I have not left this thread or the other. I am still trying to understand what reason you have for CLOSING THE BORDER when you would not be here if the border was closed. Simple as that.


1. Doesn't matter. You said "immigrants". As this country grew, YES, immigrants were flowing in. They were always less than the native born population or the grow of that population. Your claim is just not true. It is an attempt to EXAGGERATE the role of immigrants.

2. Probably has something to do with the massively disproportionate rate of immigrants from or though Mexico, compared to others.

4. SO? Yes, the indians let the settlers settle adn that led to them being conquered. And to you that is an argument for an open border? LOL!!! Your argument is since in the past it led to being conquered, we should do it too, so we can be conquered? BRILLIANT.


You are solidified in your way of thinking and there will be no changing that until you live a little and see the error in your ways.

Unless you are Native American, you came from immigration. No other way to put it and the sooner you RECOGNIZE this, the sooner you might understand what I am trying to say.

I have nothing... NOTHING vested in changing your thinking or that of anyone in here. This is a sickness that trump is not an originator or cause of, but an exploiter of... and he exploits, whether you think so or not.

Good day.


1. lol. And you're flexible? This pretense that lefties have, that anyone that disagrees with them, just doesn't understand ? That is pure arrogance and a closed mind. It is possible for someone to reasonable disagree with you. That you can't believe that, is a problem with YOU.

2. Irrelevant bullshit. I don't "recognize" it, I disagree with it. Again, you are unable to make you case, you just want me to accept your premise. Unsupported assertions is all you have.

3. Vested? WTF? You pointed the indians not having a closed border as a reason why we need to NOT have a closed border. Are you arguing that what happened to them was a GOOD thing? Your position is insane.


We don't have massive problems because there are too many immigrants. We have problems because our policies are problematic and lack compassion. What needs to happen is change the policies so that we can accommodate the influx. This nation is capable of handling things, but not if too many people cross their arms, put their noses in the air and declare, "This is MY country and YOU'RE NOT WELCOME!"


The economy only produces so many jobs, ie demand for labor. You flood the labor market with supply you drive down the price of labor, ie wages.

Hence we see long term wage stagnation.

That is a massive problem, at least partially caused by immigration.


I'm pretty sure that all those fast food restaurants begging for employees would disagree with you.

Ya know, more people equals more mouths to feed equals more food needed equals more work for farmers and ranchers.

More people equals more people buying things, which equals more sales.

Many of Trumps policies are based on fear, not of facts.


Macro economic growth is great. It is not the whole of the story. We have had good macro economic growth for a long time now, while having wages stagnate.

And that meant that yes, the EMPLOYERS got their interests served, with a constant stream of low wage workers willing to fill their job slots, at low wages.

For generations.

Time for the WORKERS to have THEIR interests represented and to see the EMPLOYERS feel some pain as they have to RAISE WAGES to attract workers.


Ok, we're both muddying the waters here. My point was, it's a scare tactic to say, "They're coming to take your jobs!!!!!"

For the most part, those who are trying to get into the US will take any job they can. They are fleeing for their lives. Many are coming from war torn nations and/or terrifying dictators. They just want to be somewhere where they are not constantly in fear of their lives.



1. It is not a "fear" tactic. It is a real issue. You flood the labor market with labor and it hurts workers. Your denial is dishonest. And unfair to people with real issues who want their interests protected by their government.

2. Those who are coming here, are coming for the economic benefits. If you want sympathy for real refugees, then stop protecting the far more numerous ECONOMIC MIGRANTS, who are taking up all limited ability to absorb immigrants.


Economics is a complicated subject with out strict cut and dry answers. Economists often don't agree on every cause and effect or on what is the solutions. So to say that because I am interpreting a situation differently than you are means that I am "dishonest" is either dishonest of you or ignorant of you.

I'm not sure why you think and "economic migrant" is not a "real refugee." If the economy is hurting you that badly, you'd think you would at least agree that seeking a better financial situation for your family could be a very real priority in anyone's life.

I'm not sure which part of my response you though was "bullshit." so I can't really respond to that.


1. Yes, econcomics are complicated. You dismissing my economic argument as a "Scare tactic" was not complicated. That was you being dishonest. The law of supply and demand is pretty simple, and close to universial. And it certainly looks like it applies to the labor market, looking at the last coupld of generations of high immigration.

2. Big difference between wanting a better job and wanting to not be murdered by your government or an enemy army. You tried to make an argument for high immigration by playing on compassion for those fleeing mortal danger. Me pointing out that the vast majority of immigrants don't fit that, is relevant. This is where you admit that, and address it.


1. You are oversimplifying the situation. Yes, supply and demand can apply to the labor market, but it also applies to other markets. It applies to the demand on food, clothing, resources, entertainment ... all of which will be at a higher demand when there is a higher population.

Trump absolutely applies scare tactics to almost everything. He's insanely disingenuous, because he only cares about what is going to make him feel popular. Reality has very little to do with anything he says.

Correlation does not equal causation. Just because two things happen at the same time, does not mean that one is the result of the other.

2. I'm not saying that the needs of one group aren't more dire than another. I'm saying that doesn't mean their needs don't exist or don't matter. You're saying Group A's needs are more extreme, therefore Group B's needs must be ignored. It's doesn't have to be that cut and dry.

You are


1. I want higher wages. I don't want higher food prices. Indeed, I would be fine with a stable US population.

2. "Scare tactics", "Popular"? These are not serious arguments. A politicians warns of negative effects from policies his opponents support. A politician supports policies that he thinks will get him elected. You attacking Trump on that, is like putting up a fog bank for me to debate.

3. But, you admitted that supply and demand can apply to the labor market. Arguing now that it is not...scientifically proven, is.... unfair. Let's be serious. And good faith. THe massive flood of third world labor is a major factor in the wage stagnation. If we want higher wages, stopping that is likely a constructive step.

4. if the vast majority of immigrants are economic immigrants, and you want to argue their interests then make your arguments based on THEM and their reality fo their motives. Leave teh far smaller group out. It is dishonest and unfair to argue for one group by implying that they are something else.

5. AND i'm saying that the US has a limit to our ability to absorb immigrants. If you exceed it with economic immigrants then there will be no ability to absord WAR REFUGEES. You want compassion for war refugess? Then join me in barring and deporting economic immigrants.


"Mmm, Keelai had a thread recently where she was BRAGGING, becasue Biden was building a wall that Trump could not."

Good for her. Whether I agree with Trump or not, it is definitely true that he didn't finish what he started.

Keelai's allowed to have a different view point than me. That doesn't negate what I said (or what she said, for that matter.)

Most of the arguments against immigration start with, "My ancestors came here legally!" Ok, two things about that. First, they probably did, but it was also much, much (much) easier to become a US citizen. Second, why be against anyone coming here legally? Many of those opposed to immigration are opposed to any immigration (even if it's legal).


1. You stated that no one was stating that the wall was a good idea. I gave you an example of someone, sort of saying that.

2. Yes, easier before. The situation was different then and now we should and CAN have a different policy.

3. Plenty of good reasons to be against legal immigration. Surely you jest with this pretense of not being aware of the reasons. I think what you meant to say was that you disagree with the reasons or think that there is some more important factor that outweighs all those reasons.


Your first point is correct. I did say that no one is saying that Biden changed his mind and decided that Trump was correct, and that is true. What I should have said is that I have not heard anyone i the Biden Administration say that Biden had determined that Trump was correct all along.

2. And the policies in place now are harsh. They make it very, very difficult for people to become citizens. While policies do need to change, it is insincere to say, "Well my ancestors did it, so you have to, too."

3. I don't believe I said that I was unaware of any other reasons (be they good or bad). I said most people just use the ancestor argument and that I personally believe too many people simply think immigrants are dirty and sub human.


1. If biden is building a wall now, than it would seem that he owns Trump a BIG FUCKING APOLOGY, for all the harsh rhetorica about Trump's Wall, that Trump AND HIS SUPPORTERS have had to deal with over the last 10 years.

2. The policies are far too generous. We have had GENERATIONS of high immigration, and our workers and society have paid an enormous price(s). We need to start crafting policy to serve the interests of our WORKING CLASS and MIDDLE CLASS Americans ASAP.

3. You asked "why be opposed to any immigration, even if it is legal" as though you had never heard of anything that you consider a valid reason for supporting an anti-immigration policy. Your "belief" that those that DO hold such a position think of immigrants as "subhuman" is very self serving and easy for you.


1. Well, first of all, Biden doesn't owe Trump anything for something that someone else said or did. Saying that a wall might be a good idea right now has nothing to do with whether or not it was a good idea before. Furthermore, Biden's reasons and Trump's reasons are very, very different. That was my main argument.

2. I get this sense that this is personal for you. Somehow you feel that you, personally, have been disadvantaged because of immigrants. I would be interested in hearing more. You never know. You might say something that gives me pause.

3. I don't know why you would say my comments are "self-serving." I think if you actually pay attention to most of the rhetoric, my comments are very accurate. Most of the people against immigration (legal or illegal) do see themselves as morally superior simply because they are already US Citizens. What every happened to:

"Give me your tired, your poor
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore
Send these the homeless tempest-tost to me
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Too often, it seems like people want to ignore this because it's inconvenient for them. My family has been in the US for at least 5 generations, but I don't think that means that someone whose ancestors aren't from this country shouldn't be given the same opportunities that my ancestors were.


1. Yes, he does. He and his partisans talked a lot of shit on Trump and his supporters for wanting a Wall and if he is now building a wall, that shows that that talk was uncalled for. He owes US all an apology.

2. "Personal"? Sounds like you want to avoid the point. The Point is that the policies are far too generous. We have had GENERATIONS of high immigration, and our workers and society have paid an enormous price(s). We need to start crafting policy to serve the interests of our WORKING CLASS and MIDDLE CLASS Americans ASAP. Yes, I PERSONALLY have spent my entire life floating between those two socioeconomic classes, so it has effected me PERSONALLY.

3. Becasue it lets you dismiss your political opponents as "bad people" without addressing their concerns or arguments.


1. Trump's reasons for wanting the wall are immoral.

2. Republicans (and Trump specifically) have never been interested in helping the working class or the middle class. They represent only the rich and make policies to make the rich richer on the backs of the working class and the middle class. If you want your economic situation to improve, voting for a Republican is the last thing you should do.

3. It sounds an awful lot like you are dismissing my points because they don't fit your agenda.

I realize that from your perspective, it very much seems as though you would benefit, personally, from laws that are super tough on immigration. I find it very sad that you think Trump is actually interesting in helping you in any way.


1. So. Your position is LITERALLY that it is good when Biden does it, but BAD, when Trump does it? LOL. Hilarious. Hey. Have you considered the possibility that your bias might make you unfair to Trump? Note btw, that I am NOT calling into question BIDEN'S motives in buidling the wall.

2 Plenty of ideological and nationlistic Republicans that I believe wanted to see me and mine do well, if only for ideological or nationalistic reasons. TRUMP, I believe wanted to serve my interests so that I would repay him with political support. I dont' believe he "felt my pain" or some such shit, but I do believe that he was serious about doing a good job as President, if only because it woud reflect on his image to be a SUCCESSFUL President as opposed to one that had a poor record.

3. NOpe. I am addressing your arguments and points seriously and honestly. I am NOT just calling you a badd person or saying that you did it for a "immoral reason" as though that is the end of it.

4. See you did it again. YOu start out with a point about policy, ie immigration. Then twist it to make it this weird mind reading thing where you just somehow "know" that Trump doesn't care about me personally.

Newsflash. I don't care about that. I am fine with him advancing my interests so that he can earn my POLITICAL SUPPORT in return. That he considers it a transaction instead of some sort of charity to me, is fine with me, and maybe even BETTER in my eyes. He wants something from me, and I'm willing to give it, if he EARNS it.


1. Nope! I agree with Biden's reasons on many things becasue I agree with the reasons (not becasue he's Biden). i disagree with Trump on just about everything for many reasons. First, he's usually lying about his reasons. Second, even when he isn't lying, his reasons are usually because he thinks he's better than everyone else. Third, because he lacks intelligence. He thought it was a good idea to drink bleach.

2. Interesting conclusion since most of their policies only result in the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. Trickle down economics is a scam.

3. Maybe you are so convinced that your conclusions about immigration are correct that you don't see what others are saying. Much of the anti-immigration retoric is based on hate.

4. Trump doesn't care about you. What made you think he did? It doesn't take a mind reader to know that. The second anyone says the smallest thing against him, he turns on them and is hateful and spiteful. Trump cares about Trump and no one else (include his own family) unless they kiss up and it benefits him.

Trump isn't going to advance your interests. He's not. He will tell you he's going to, but he's going to do what he wants to do. Nothing more, nothing less.


1. It is impressive that you are confident enough in that, that you don't care how it looks.

2. I used to be a Free Trade Ideologue myself. The macro economic numbers supported the policy for a long time. Hell, still do. Indeed, I get a LOT of you lefties pushing it these days. But, the results promised did not come. It was time to change. Hence the economic nationalism of Trump.

3. Except I'm not the one dismissing arguments because "wacism" or "hate".

4. Except he did when he was in office. First time in my life I heard employers whining about the lack of illegal or in some cases even LEGAL immigrants. For ONE limited example.




I just read that.

It is funny. Full stop!!!


Neither is an indicator of raw intelligence. Most Trump detractors have a vocabulary of five words with one being MAGA. Our founding fathers intended that representatives to our government come from all walks of life so no one line of thinking became predominant. Unfortunately, today the thinking is the average representative has to come from a high profile law school.


Congratulations! I think that's the most ridiculous rationale for voting for a stupid person that I've ever heard!


Your intellect is obviously extremely limited. There are intelligent people in all walks of life. Opportunities to make maximum use of it vary from person to person. I took a student loan to advance my college career which was majoring in economics and business. Some people lack the confidence to push hard in terms of education. Some people are stuck with bad influences while growing up which interferes with development of the mind. Many grow up with parents who are emotionally erratic. Many things happen along the path of life to derail kids. So some person stuck in a menial job is most likely there for some reason other than intellect. It's great to have a well functioning home, supportive parents, and positive influences at school. It does not happen for a lot of people and I believe the window of opportunity to develop can often fall during the time of childhood exclusively. I was fortunate to override bad circumstances including bad teachers. Sorry if I interrupted your rant about Trump. But those with limited intellect often get hung up over a few ideas.


All walks of life? Is that why they only let white men with land vote?


His point about the Ivy League is valid. You saying race was just stupid.


What did he say about the Ivy League? You're making things up as usual.

I was responding to this: "Our founding fathers intended that representatives to our government come from all walks of life"

I pointed out the restrictions that were set down for by the FF for citizen involvement in the political process. Not very inclusive are they?

Trumpbillies...bless their hearts.


From the same post.

"Unfortunately, today the thinking is the average representative has to come from a high profile law school."

You really didn't make the connection between "high profile law school" and"ivy league"?

The point stands. We are seeing a real lack of intellectual diversity among our political elite.

And all did you in reply was play the race card. Which ironically SUPPORTS his point, though understanding how is probably beyond you.


The Ivy League has 8 schools. How many high profile law schools are there in the US? More than 8, including Duke, NYU, Chicago, UVA, etc. You proved you have a limited level of critical thinking skills. Stop being a knee-jerk reactionary. That's a true sign of lack of intelligence.

Where did I play the race card? By including the word "white"? Are you denying that voting was limited to white male landowners during that time? OK, how about "male landowners"? Or are you going to clutch your pearls again in feint protest and call me a misogynist? Deflect away, dude, because that's all you have.

Willful ignorance is not a good look.

Trumpbillies...bless their hearts.


So, lyou could have made a nit picking point about the schools, which would have been dumb, but instead you just shit talked, which was even dumber.

You used the race card, when you whined about race instead of addressing the point.


lyou (LMAO) brought up the schools, Skippy, and I corrected your false assumption.

You deflect again by not acknowledging that the FFs (Founding Fathers, fyi) only gave the right to vote to White Male Landowners.

Boy, you are as dumb as a bowl of hair.


No, JosephQcat brought up "high profile" schools. He made a point about that.

Why are you claiming otherwise?


I get it. More deflection. YOU said "Ivy League", not him, and I addressed your incorrect assumption.


lol. Nitpicking and race card, yes I saw what you did.

You got anything else to say, or is that it?


Trumpbillies...bless their hearts


Your bigotry and arrogance is noted and dismissed.

You are an asshole.


Ooohh, noted AND dismissed.


You are too afraid to answer questions.


LOL. You didn't ask any question, loser, you just made a bigoted and racist remark, like the bigoted and racsit asshole that you are.


*racist, dumbass.

Illiterate fool.


See the difference between your insult to me and mine to you,

is that mine is based on the shit you said, while yours is just shit talk.

My insult is TRUE, while yours is just you revealing youself to be a shit talker.

You whined some about "questions". Do you have a question you would like to ask me? Bonus points if it has something to do with the thread topic.

Also, I want to go on record, as predicting that you are unable to ask either a "real" question or do it civilly or clearly.


Why did the Founding Fathers limit voting rights to white, male landowners? Wasn't that contradictory to the spirit of the D of I's principles?

Answer that without deflection, if you can.


On the face of it, it certainly seems to be.

But the concept of limited franchise is an issue we, as modern Americans never give much real thought to, we are too heavily indoctrinated in modern liberal thought.

The property rights restriction for example. Not wanting desperate people who could not think beyond the next meal to be restricted from complex politcial discussion, makes some sense.

DItto literacy requirements. I mean if you CAN'T READ, how are you going to be informed?

And the issue of slavery! HOw the hell would you have people held in slavery vote? Can you imagine the hell you would invite on them, as their owners try to force them to vote pro-slavery?

That would be a horror.

Why do you ask?


[–] Corbell (4676) a few seconds ago
On the face of it, it certainly seems to be.

But the concept of limited franchise is an issue we, as modern Americans never give much real thought to, we are too heavily indoctrinated in modern liberal thought.

The property rights restriction for example. Not wanting desperate people who could not think beyond the next meal to be restricted from complex politcial discussion, makes some sense.

DItto literacy requirements. I mean if you CAN'T READ, how are you going to be informed?

And the issue of slavery! HOw the hell would you have people held in slavery vote? Can you imagine the hell you would invite on them, as their owners try to force them to vote pro-slavery?

That would be a horror.

Why do you ask?"

That was a very well thought out reply and yet, if you're Liberal, you'll still get the dreaded "Oh, you're deflecting again" crap when it's not the reply they like..



And yes, I have often noted that if you give an answer that is not what they expected, they are done. Like they are reading from a script or are unable to think for themselves.


Don't let university types do your thinking for you. Before the USA where could any citizen vote as to the business of that nation? Before the US you had to be a close relation of the leader or know how to use a sword or gun to have a say in the business of a nation. If you believe humanity has existed intelligently for over 10,000 years then the interval from 1789 to 1865 happened in almost an instant in terms of eliminating a slave class. 100 years after that poll taxes were made illegal. Many whites in European nations were a sub class under the feudal system which existed for over 1000 years in various forms. No rights and servitude to a ruling class. Many of my ancestors did not own land until they came to the US after being around for centuries in nations such as Ireland, England, and Germany. Hard for your university masters to gin up hatred if they let you know many whites were not treated well in their homeland. In the Northeast US of the 19th and 20th Century there was a pecking order where the English ran the local community and everybody else was an outcast of some degree. I remember it said that my father's father paid a few points above the going interest rate at the local bank because he was not part of the leading class locally. After the world wars many German-Americans were treated terribly in their communities. Italian-Americans were marginalized until the 1960's and Slavs got pretty much the same treatment.


Excuses, excuses.

Reread what you wrote about the Founding Fathers and "all walks of life".

You're backpedaling.


You are intellectually limited hence all the hyperbole you toss around. You can get mad over slavery and poll taxes but the Founding Fathers were no different than any other group of leaders in that they look out for those who closest resembled them. If the Russians or Japanese had been the ones to colonize North America they would have looked out for those that most closely resembled them respectively. Just the nature of human beings regardless of where they originated from.


You just said the opposite of "all walks of life", which was in your earlier post. "Closest resembled themselves". You totally contradicted yourself.

OK, take away race and gender and what's left? Landowners; people with money. How is that "all walks of life"? You're an elitist.

Brain dead fools, these Trumpbillies.


You think slavery ended in 1865?

You are a fool.


You are a clown. Unworthy of engaging in a dialogue with. Full of hyperbole and hysteria.


Look up debt peonage and convict leasing. You know nothing about history except for what right-wing jingoists have crammed into your tiny noggin.


Lol @ terrible grammar.


That's actually not true at all. The Founding Fathers were terrified of anyone besides the elites voting. They believed most people were incapable of voting with intelligence and could easily be manipulated by a loud mouth tyrant. (Hmmm, maybe the Founding Fathers had a point. Far too many people have bought in to Trump's loud, baseless claims.)


What you said is very flawed. If they really believed that then they could have devised a far more exclusionary voting system which they did not. First and foremost they did not want any state, county, or town controlled by a very few.


Whether their rationale is “flawed “ or not is irrelevant. I was simply pointing out the fact that you were incorrect about their intentions.


i dont understand how you did not get what he wrote.

hes not saying THEIR rational is flawed. hessaying YOUR rational is flawed. hes saying they could have created " could have devised a far more exclusionary voting system which they did not. "

so why didnt they if as you said "The Founding Fathers were terrified of anyone besides the elites voting. They believed most people were incapable of voting with intelligence and could easily be manipulated by a loud mouth tyrant."


I got what he wrote, I just disagreed with it.

I wasn't stating the rational as if it were my own. This is the rational that is often presented in history classes. So I do disagree with the assumption that I am misinterpreting the intentions of the Founding Fathers. I am simply repeating what I was taught.


Very peculiar woman .


Mann Coulter


Anne Coulter has venemous spiders in her vagina.


i forgot skeletor is still lurking around


