MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > He's still going to walk the election.

He's still going to walk the election.

It's fitting that he will secure another term after all this vile persecution.


Bet the farm!


Trump wins. unless he loses by chicanery.


Like a black swan / false flag event that will be attributed to white nationalists and enable Biden to declare executive emergency powers that will affect the outcome of the election?

I can't see this honorable, uncorrupted administration doing such a thing.


He's still going to walk the election.

Maybe perp-walk the election...

Fun aside, Trump would be smart to play up the conviction, and I mean really play it up. Wear a button that says "convicted" on it - maybe a "The left convicted me and you're next" or a "no one's safe!" button to show he's not backing down from what really is a politically motivated conviction.

Hell, I might even vote for him if he did that..


💯 Seriously, this really is a good idea and make a mockery of it


I fear for our future if Trump doesn't win. If Biden cheat his way to victory we will see the next Great Depression, a second Civil War or World War 3. Also there's a good chance he wouldn't live to see the end of his second term. Kamala is waiting in the wings for a call he fell down some stairs


Just one amendment:

If Biden cheats his way to victory again


The GNP is growing every year since Trump left office. Why will this lead to a depression?

Are the MAGA going to throw their feces while the rest of us have our guns? That will make for a very short civil war.

Why does anyone think that a +300 pound, morbidly obese, freak like Trump can survive the next four years?


I could care less whether he's guilty or not. Not letting him run due to finding him guilty so close to the race would cause a bad impression. And Biden has already proven how much he has done for America by sleeping through his career.


Not letting him run due to finding him guilty so close to the race would cause a bad impression.

Smacks a bit of Banana Republic does it?

I guess this is how it's going to be from now on - harass the political opposition using weaponized justice departments for minor crimes and trumped up (sorry) impeachments.


That is the platform that Trump is promising to run on. Do you think Trump is not going to put you in prison if he is elected?


Do you think Trump is not going to put you in prison if he is elected?

Correct - I know that for a fact, and so do the rest of us who are law abiding. Those who don't believe in law and order are less sure...


Ditto. I also know TRUMP will not put me in prison.

BIDEN? Biden has shownt that he, and his posse are cold blooded bastards who don't give a DAMN about your rights, or justice.
