MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > The Trump card collection.

The Trump card collection.


That was rude. Sorry.

I just laughed. Collect Trump cards. get a patch of his suit. Spend $500 on 2 cards and get a jar of free fart air. jar costs extra. fart air contents not guaranteed.

Trump is literally shitting in his supporters mouths and they are tasting gold. It's the best gold. It's true.

It's the best collection. That's what they are telling me. That's what people say.

Summarise Trump in once sentence.

"I don't know if it's true or not, but a lot of people are saying that"

Sometimes this stuff writes itself. Thats all. He's got more money than me (apart from the debt) I'll give you that. But I've got the ability to count more of it than him. He can probably call Putin to ask for some more. I can't do that. Half of our politicians are in bed with Russia, too. But they won't give us any money. Or, they already have, which is why we can't get rid of them.

"I don't know if it's true or not, but a lot of people are saying that" - DJT
using Fox News as a news source is like using Pacific Rim for gardening advice.
Political commentary/observation.


It's 99.99 US Dollars for 1 card. 1 Digital card, not even a real card. You have to buy like 4 or 5 digital cards before they mail you ONE real card.

The entire thing is a joke , it's like a blatantly obvious scam. It's like willfully scamming people, in the open, just to get money for Trump's personal political needs, probably to bail him out of his numerous trials.

The 99.99 dollar price tag during record inflation and cost of living and wages that haven't kept up.... As I said, it's a joke.

He's a joke, his entire campaign is a joke, and honestly, NFT's are a joke altogether.
