Is she pregnant?

I am watching season 2, episode 2 of Grimm and she looks pregnant. It might just be the way the clothes are falling, but she's wearing really loose clothing that makes her look like she's trying to hide her belly. Anybody know if she really is pregnant?


She is indeed.


Oh wow...not just me then! Trust the women to notice!! ;o))

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Before I even noticed the clothes, you could tell from the way she was shot Very obvious, just wtch the camera shots, they're a dead giveaway before you notice the clothes.


Yeah, I was wondering why they wrote her into a plot where she's only visible from the chest up. Then I noticed she looks a little thicker through the shoulders. I'm going to miss her more active involvement in the story.


Love how they only show her from the chest up, she looks like she is having twins in real life


Gosh, it wasn't just the girls that noticed. Awesome for her, and best of luck. Too often, pregancy and parenthood takes actors out of the game. I hope not, this time. Bree is a great Fuchsbau, and a great foil to Silas Weir Mitchell.


After watching tonight's episode, it looks like she's pregnant again...anyone hear anything?


I came here to ask the same question...
