
Her lips are amazing. I've thought so since I first saw her YEARS AGO on this episode of Saved by the Bell: The New Class.

I was young then, but I guess I already had a lips fetish. Both sets of a woman's "lips" often correlate (believe it or not).

She's bound to be excellent is in the sack.

"You suck."
- Sue Sylvester


Hah, can you explain what "correlate" means exactly? Like if she has nice plump lips then what, shes got plump "lips" too? lol.
What I noticed though in Grimm is sometimes she has a lisp... thats right, not lips, but a lisp. Anyone else noticed it? I think she does a good job hiding it in movies and shows but sometimes it comes through. I think shes actually even more cute because of it.


If they truly "correlated" then we would see lots of older women walking around with meat pattys between the nose n chin so I dont think so buddy. Im not buyin' it ..


