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she has the sweetest face it makes my heart hurt


yeah she's not the prettiest but for some reason after watching incident on and off a mountain road, she became one of my fave actresses. which is rare because i usually only like male actors, because women annoy me

i like these clothes i like this hair, it's not emo it's not anything ¬¬



"When we make mistakes, it's evil. When God makes mistakes, it's nature."


Oh come on!

Yes as a professional critic I have to admit...

I would probably never cast her in a LEAD role as her profile (look in general) doesn't fit any qualification that would make her memorable.

But hell that's >95% of the general population, so what is it you want?

Let's face it, she's an attractive young woman. Not unique in any way, so she'll be condemned to supporting roles for life, but who cares...she's hot, and unless your standards are overwhelmingly high, you wouldn't "throw her back"

Unless of course her personality was not compatible with yours, but then again you dodn't mention I'm just going by looks alone.


From her recent photos, she apparently rocks SOMEONE's world as it appears that she is pregnant!!


She is hot.


2nd that
