MovieChat Forums > Karl Urban Discussion > Is he really the correct actor for Dr Mc...

Is he really the correct actor for Dr Mccoy?

He is cool and all but in the original stories Dr Mccoy was NOT physically tough and Kirk or Spock could very easily beat him up.

However, Karl Urban is buffed, I saw him shirtless (he was naked but the camera did not go too far down which is good since I am a heterosexual with a big fetish for NOT seeing men naked) in the Loft and damn does he work out!! I suspect the actor is physically stronger than Zack Quinto even though Vulcans are supposed to be much stronger than humans and Benedict Cumbernach even though he was the super strong Khan. Kirk is supposed to be a badass and even though he kept getting beaten up in the 2009 movie those fights were kind of unfair. Just as boxing has "weight divisions" you kind of need "species divisions" in sci fi since Vulcans and Romulans are supposed to be much stronger than humans on average, and in the bar fight he was outnumbered 4 to one. The Kirk character is supposed to be tougher than most humans though and I believe he would have won that bar fight easily had it been any ONE of the 4 punks (maybe even 2 of them) but as Mayagi said in Karate Kid "4 to 1 problem too much to ask of anyone". Anyway, he is supposed to be a badass but in a real life fight my money would be on the much stronger Karl Urban.

I wonder if they will have to make him wear extra baggy clothes to hide the muscles? Maybe ask him not to work out right before filming so he is not "pumped up"?


He's about the best thing about the Trek reboots!

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pretty much the entire main cast is extremely "pretty" and fit. I don't have a problem with it and Karl does a fantastic job presenting the essence of the character, they all do. I think that's what counts most. He is a "buff" "Bones", yes but he doesn't play it like that character is going to go around getting into fights and kicking ass, which is appropriate for the character as a doctor. His reaction to the small female officer telling him to sit down or she'll make him, and so he shuts up and does, is an indicator he's not interested in physical confrontations, for example. It's easy to not think about him being "too buff" if he's not playing it that way. I do think/agree it's probably good if he can let some of the muscles go for playing Bones in future tho. Just looks more like the original in that sense. But it certainly doesn't bother me if he's a little bigger/buffer. I actually thought in the first one he was not as big as he is in roles I've seen him in and he may have let some of that go temporarily for the role.

But in any case, there is no denying that Karl's a major kiwi studmuffin and here's hoping for more "Bones" in the next film! ;)


Amen to that!


His interpretation of Bones was spot on. Absolutely the best actor to play him. I think that he stole the show. More Dr. McCoy, please. Thank you.


Really? Urban nails the role of Bones and I mean the guy knocked it out of the yard, so all you can do is nitpick on his physical stature?


As a very long time Star Trek fan, I think he was an absolutely perfect choice to replace DeForest Kelley. It's almost uncanny the way he has his quirks down. He even looks and sounds like him - although more "buff" to be sure.


Karl Urban is awesome as Bones! I was totally thrilled there was more Kirk/Spock/McCoy in the new movie because Bones has always been my favorite! I go to see him because he's so great at the role. They ever recast I don't forsee myself going to another Star Trek!
