MovieChat Forums > Benjamin Walker Discussion > Talented and Retarded

Talented and Retarded

I wonder does he, or will he regret quiting the Xmen: first class movie, in order to star in the Andrew Jackson musical on Broadway (which closed after 3 months). Yeah he had the lead in the musical, but the lead in a bway show, doesn't compare to a supporting role (Hank McCoy/Beast) in a 120 million dollar film. I'm all about being a actor for the talent and craft of it, but the xmen movie isn't some independent film that people might hear about by accident. I would really would like to know what he was thinking. He will be kicking himself for years, for that dumb ass move


Not really, since he'll be working with the X-men people in the Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter movie in the starring role.
If you only knew the power of the Dark Side!


The director, or the writer are part of any of the X-men films. It's not like him doing Andrew Jackson was the reason for him getting Abraham, and even it it was, you don't drop out of a sure fire hit, to be the lead of a movie 2 years after that may be a hit or may go str8 to dvd.


Maybe he wanted to do Andrew Jackson because he liked it? Not everyone's dream is to achieve fame. Maybe he wants to be involved with projects that mean something to him. Let's face it, Beast was a pretty pathetic role in the First Class movie.



Andrew Jackson was a project he had workshoped and played at the Public Theater. He was asked to do Xmen just as they wanted to take it to Broadway. I completely admire and respect him for staying with the show he had help shape, and do a run with an incredible cast. (I saw the show twice and he was amazing - the show wouldn't have worked without him)

He's shown he's not about the fame or money, but about projects he wants to do. He's far from "retarded" in my opinion. He's got loyalty and integrity and won't sell out to be in a blockbuster.

The Possible's slow fuse is lit
By the Imagination.
~Emily Dickinson


He's shown he's not about the fame or money, but about projects he wants to do. He's far from "retarded" in my opinion. He's got loyalty and integrity and won't sell out to be in a blockbuster.

But he's already set to be in a blockbuster. Assuming Abraham Lincoln does well


I should not have said retarded, I meant it has is decision. I think that he took Andrew Jackson because he had the lead role. It was't about loyalty at all.If he had the lead in Xmen he would have said "Andrew who". As far as "the show not working without him" it closed after 3 months and unlike other shows that closed quickly i.e "The life, Side Show, and The wild party" it doesn't have much of a flowing.(I'm a musical theater buff)It didn't work with him.
