I am absolutely the biggest Kerry Washington fan!! I just worked on an episode of Scandal this week and I can't tell you how incredible this woman is. Kerry Washington was the nicest actor I've ever worked with on a show in my experience of doing guest appearances on tv. She makes everyone feel so warm and a part of what they are doing. You can tell she is completely sincere!!

When my tv show gets picked up by HBO I'm going back to ask her for her hand in marriage :) LOL!!

No seriously, if I ever hear anyone say one negative thing about this woman I will attack them on her behalf!!


P.S. Also, Tony Goldwyn was an incredible nice guy as well. They all deserve their success!!!


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That's great! Well I agree she does seem like a sweet person. I'm sure its true. Lucky you that you met her!! Good luck... Every women deserve to be treated with the upmost respect and love..you seem genuinely interested in her.


Good to hear. She seems so sweet.


I hope your show gets picked up. I'm also an actor and I love to see other hard working actors reach the success they desire. Good luck on your career!


Kerry is such a sweetheart! I have never heard a disparaging remark about her!


Yep if you are white she will go out of her way.
