MovieChat Forums > Kerry Washington Discussion > Why does she try so hard to look light-s...

Why does she try so hard to look light-skinned?

Kerry is clearly a dark brown-skinned woman cLechzzkUFxY799ryn7FTxwpupnxvkQNboAg but she tries so hard to look lighter by caking her face with extremely light foundation. I feel like she's probably jealous of the looks of naturally light-skinned ethnic women like Freida Pinto.


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Just typed in Kerry Washington and David Moscow on google images and wow! She looked great back then. I didn't even realise how much she's changed until now.


Apparently some black women (nicki minaj, Beyoncé) just want that look. Idk about Kerry, but those ladies have a doctor do it. I think she's beautiful either way, but it's her prerogative.


You take the cake. Your post is straight up ignorant. Why would she want to be anything or anyone but who she is? Being herself is what made her successful.


It's called... Wait for it... Lighting...


Exactly. I dont know what the OP us talking about because she was never dark brown. She was always a on the lighter side of brown.


There's word for it: It's called self-hatred.

Many of us--and by "us" I refer to African Americans--have been brainwashed to think that the "fairer" we are, the more attractive we are. Sad.


Haha. She has that look like she hides from the sun. You know when people are trying not to get darker. You can just tell by their undertones they are supposed to be darker than what they are.
