MovieChat Forums > Kerry Washington Discussion > For All Her Pretensions,She's Just Anoth...

For All Her Pretensions,She's Just Another Actress Married to an Athlete

For all Kerry's pretensions and pretending to be so intellectual and deep did she finally marry a professor or a Civil Rights lawyer or a Nobel Prize winning scientist? Hell no, she married a "hot" pro-football player who's five years younger than her and probably good in bed.

This is a physical relationship, no matter how much people blah blah about his "political activeness." She didn't wind up with a TV commentator for liberal issues or an ACLU lawyer. This guy's politics is a hobby, not his real job or focus.

She can try to paint herself as this really different person, but she's just another girl drawn to a muscular guy who plays pro sports, period.

Now go ahead and tear me to shreds since I'm sure most people on this board still believe in the delusion that a pro-football player's marriage to an actress will last a lifetime.


Versus marriages to lawyers, doctors, intellectuals etc? Newsflash: those people get divorced too, or did you think divorce only happens to pro-athletes?

Her marriage to her husband DOES NOT NEGATE her mind, intellect, or activism.

The question is, why are you mad about it? She's a grown woman and can do what she wants.

Plus, there is nothing wrong with having a mate that's good in bed. Maybe if you did, you wouldn't be so bitter.

I'm here....


About your last sentence: Good one, Beck...It appears I'm rubber and you're glue, and whatever I say bounces off you and sticks to me. I haven't been razed that good since 3rd grade on the monkey bars.

What's next, saying I eat boogers and poop?

Although you do have ONE interesting sentence in your entire post. "The question is, why are you mad about it?"

Couldn't you apply that same logic to you? Why are you happy about it? If you're saying I have no right to care what this woman does, then why do you have the right to defend it? Your argument is hypocritical. You can't say it's none of my business and then make it yours. Far as I know, neither of us are related to Kerry, so what's your stake in it?

My issue is with her phoniness. I've always felt she was a really pretentious, intellectually dishonest person who works so hard to come off deeper than she really is...Her choice in finally marrying really confirms that for me. Not that I would expect you to really get what I'm saying. To you it's probably "he's cute! He throws a ball around! Me like!" Idiot...


Well, Kerry Washington's first engagement was to an actor, and they had dated for almost a decade. An athlete is on the same level as an actor.


This isn't new, if this is how she is (haven't seen a lot of her interviews).
A lot of actors can be hypocritical with their quotes and persona versus their actions. Their 'brand', then the individual.

It doesn't bother me unless that actor has emphatically stated a preference for an erudite mate but married someone otherwise and even then, only mildly.

Did you post this topic as a way of highlighting this contradiction or for other reasons? Just curious.

George Lucas talking about: 'Hey, give it to me, I'll fix it. I'll make 20 more of them'


"but she's just another girl drawn to a muscular guy who plays pro sports, period. "

So what? He seems like a nice guy. Are you saying because he's a footballer he shouldn't marry a educated smart classy women? And wether you like her or not Kerry is all those things.

And since you think she pretends to be intellectual you would probably still complain if she did marry a Nobel Prize winning scientist.


Are you made he isn't white? Lol.


Thank you! That is all I have to say to your response to the OP's stupid comment. Thank you.


I actually thought she would wind up with a White guy given her dating history

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