Her walk.

She walks really weird.
I watch Scandal everyday I think about it all the time.. She swing her body really weird, and her head goes just all over the place..
Never seen anyone walk like that before :S


Her walk bugs the crap out of me! She walks SO hard and looks like she is one step from toppling over.


Thank God! I came here to say the same thing. She walks like she's on a runway and so obviously a put on. I hate the way she walks!


I agree but I don't think we can blame Kerry for that because the actors are very specifically directed on how to walk when in character so blame the director and people behind the scenes! I agree in some scenes it's really annoying like she is supposed to be a professional and a lawyer for the white house but she is strutting like she's auditioning for America's Next Top Model.. IDK why they would allow this I guess it looks empowered?


I never look at the show its too degrading to intelligent black women who respect themselves. But Cheerios you are wrong a director doesn't tell you how to walk every week. They may direct in a drunken or drug addict scene or a running out of fear scene but not every week. Come on now

It's too funny now I think I will look just to see how she walks. Because that is way she naturally walks.
