Why isn't MEW huge?

Mary Elizabeth Winstead is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. As far as I can see, she can act very well. She seems like a really nice person who would be pleasant to work with. So why isn't she the star of every major blockbuster? I literally don't see any reason why she shouldn't be more famous than, say, Megan Fox.

"Friends are like potatoes. If you eat them, they will die."


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I know where you are coming from, and its indeed a damn shame, but im hopeful that one day she will eventually be cast in a movie that will make her a big star(only one can dream).

i also think one of the reasons for her not being a household name is because she is way too down-to-earth, thats just me though.


Because she does not wanna do sexy scenes. Well not as graphic as what Megan Fox or Scarlett johansson or anne hathaway does.

And I think she will never ever do nude scenes. as in totally nekked.

that's why.

Ironic coz that's also the very reasons why she's my fave.


she is huge, at least for me, that's what matters anyway, she have true fans, not 'i-love-your-body' fans, like Miss Fox (i like Megan fox too, but, she's not even close to Mary acting skills)


I would definitely like to see her on more movies!

Mary never struck me as the kind to be power hungry and maybe that's why she isn't so aggressive on getting parts. That and the fact that she just got married and has a personal life.


^Tis true, being kind in real life is a great thing but being kind in the show business, however, is not.


No Pm's for me?

"Everyone's a critic...except people who still know how to kick back and ENJOY a movie..."


sympathy PM sent
it frequently gets
too -weird- for me
RIP HST 1937..2005
