Another Karen

Karen Wood is her new name


It does seem like she's an full-time activist. Kobe, Manson creep, Affleck - if they are dudes, she'll call them out.

It makes you wonder how a chick with that state of mind dated Manson freak to begin with - or is it because she thought he was a lady in disguise (a strong possibility - his gender was always fluid, it seems like)..


She worked with Allen one of the biggest creeps in the industry. Also she refused to name Manson when she referenced being raped awhile back. Kobe was cleared of wrong doing. Shes just entitled and looking for attention


Let's not insult all the Karens in the world.


Her statement about Kobe when she had nothing to do with him or the girl who retracted her allegations gained some heat and I think she feels using her own failed relationship with Manson as a coverup to justify her self-righteous indignation at the expense of Manson is going to work in her favor.


Calling someone Karen is pretty well played out at this point. Time for the next thing.


Nah, she's awesome.
