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Marilyn Manson’s ex-accuser backtracks on rape allegations: ‘I was manipulated by Evan Rachel Wood into lying!’


And now she's telling the truth?


Manson appears to have other accusers, so it's too early to say that he's 'innocent', but this part of the article is interesting: '“just because she could not remember” any beatings, it “did not necessarily mean” it didn’t happen and said she may have “repressed” the memories out of trauma.'

What bizarre logic. Of course, absence of evidence doesn't equal evidence of absence, as Donald Rumsfeld once said, but we should all start from the presumption of innocence, rather than automatically assume "Well, I don't know whether X murdered anyone. I don't have any evidence X murdered anyone. But that doesn't mean X hasn't murdered anyone."

We can say that about anyone.

Also, if we can't trust our *OWN* memories, what can we trust?

'Repressed memories' basically means "I don't recall ever being abused, but by this way, I get to count myself as a victim." Do we really want to encourage this fad for self-victimisation based on nothing?


Somebody must have gotten to her. Her excuses sound ridiculous. Manson had been abusive towards men and women. He even bragged about hitting his mom. And he jokes about rape onstage. He still deserves to be shunned.


Always assuming the worst. *sigh*

I'm no stan for Manson, but I don't believe in assuming the worst about people. Where's the proof? And why do you assume a woman's 'lying' when she says she 'wasn't raped'? Must you believe that ALL women are rape victims, even the ones who *CATEGORICALLY* say "I was not raped"?

Do some of you weirdos get off in seeing all women as victims?

Jesus! Get some fucking therapy, weirdos.


Manson is the weirdo who gets off on being abusive towards people. The irony of a bad boy defending his bad reputation. Serves him right.


I'm no particular fan of Manson. His music means nothing to me, nor does his position as a 'pop cultural icon', but once again, I care about due process, evidence and treating individuals as innocent until proven guilty, rather than automatically assuming the worst of people. If someone says 'Manson didn't abuse me,' why do you assume the opposite?
