
She’s very pretty, but something about her is kind of off-putting. She looked fine on Desperate Housewives, but on Nikita, she seems too gaunt and skinny, especially around the neck. I doubt that it can be chalked up to natural body changes from puberty because she was already 20-22 when she did Housewives.

I suppose that maybe it is required for the role of Alex since it definitely does need some exercise and training for the highly physical role; maybe she over-did it. Also, Alex used to be a junkie, so being too skinny would be part of that, but she has been clean for quite a while now; maybe she was really, really skinny and this is what she looks like while recovering.

Either way, hopefully it isn’t an eating disorder.



I can see where you are coming from Synetech, Ive seen Lyndsy on other TV shows/movies when she was a teenager and it looks like she is the skinniest in Nikita. Her body looks awesome & she is a naturally gorgeous girl but her skinnyness makes her face seem too long, gaunt & a bit horsey.

I personally think her face was most beautiful a couple of years ago when her face was fuller looking,younger, softer and less long, if you google Lyndsy then you can see that the most attractive pics of her is when she had a bit of weight on her face, she looked much cuter. Ive included some pics below to compare......

Pic of Lyndsy in her teens

Pic of recent Lyndsy


I adore Lyndsy, but I don't disagree with you. In a couple pics from last year she almost looked sickly. :/

Despite never being overweight to begin with, maybe she felt pressure to look thinner b/c of her naturally rounder face. Lately I think she's been looking healthier, though, so hopefully she's taking care of herself.


I completly agree with you MintyMocha, a rounder face on Lyndsy looks better and she looks so beautiful.

Like this clip was a few years ago and Lyndsy has a fuller face. It makes her look so cute & doll like.


are you kidding? she is the prettiest girl on tv, easily


I don't think she looks unhealthy, but I'm sure she's feeling the pressure to be thin for Nikita, especially since Maggie Q is gorgeous and incredibly thin. Don't get me wrong, I think Lyndsy is gorgeous too.


I hope it's not pressure, just training. And if had to name one actress who totally looks anorexic it's Maggie Q. She is scary thin, not like Lyndsy IMO.


Maggie Q is scary thin, not like Lyndsy IMO.Not currently, no, but she did in season one.


don't know if it has anything to do with it but she's a vegan.

Shall we find something to kill to cheer ourselves up?-hk-47
