MovieChat Forums > Tiger Woods Discussion > "We must respect the office"

"We must respect the office"

Woods said this when the media tried to bait him into a little Trump bashing. Refreshing to see an athlete respect the office and not follow the herd of libtard athletes and celebrities. Of course this angered some with TDS such as Max Kellerman, who is a talentless hack that only became famous with his daddy's connections. Max, stick to sports which is something you know very little about but no one is interested in what a rich little daddy's boy has to say on politics.


Tiger is basically white.


Tell that to his skin.


Kellerman is a rich Jewish kid whose dad bought his way onto ESPN and the rest is history. He's a rich liberal Jewish guy that dabbles a bit in sports. His speciality is boxing but even then he's just a glorified fan not an expert. He knows absolutely nothing about any sport outside of boxing.


Auntie Semenite!!!


So calling a Jewish person "Jewish" is racist now? If you say so.


Are you saying you're one of them self-hating ashcannazis?



Woods handled this the correct way. Yes, we must respect the office.
