MovieChat Forums > Tiger Woods Discussion > like george carlin said, "lance armstron...

like george carlin said, "lance armstrong and tiger woods fuck you"

this guy is the worst example of a sports star. he swears while playing golf and throws his club after he makes a bad shot. and he cheats on his wife with 15 girls, one being a porn star. he's the worst. can't wait for him to finally retire.


Amen. My late mother didn't like him for the same reason: club throwing and cussing. I don't like him because he's a
dirt-bag who cheated on his wife.


PS But I hope he recovers okay, and I think he will now have to retire.


Newsflash. Most rich and powerful men have mistresses. If you think Tiger Woods was at all unique in this regard then you are delusional. The only exception was how much these indiscretions would end up costing him.


She wasn't a mistress. She was probably the next one and was more desirable to him. Doesn't make him a bad person but perhaps means he wasn't living true to himself marrying gold diggers.


> Most rich and powerful men have mistresses.

That might be true, or it might not be. I don't know how you get to just
make that up and quote it. Surely some amount of rich and powerful men
have mistresses, whatever a mistress is, and some do not. Who knows
how many or how to examine the question. You also do not have to be
rich and powerful to have an affair or a mistress.


BTW the assiociated press (AP) has banned the use of the word "mistress".


That is a weird comment ... what has the (AP) got to do with what gets said here?
The subject was [[ Most rich and powerful men have mistresses ]]

If there is some interesting or relevant facet to that comment - bloody say it or just ..... ????


Just some interesting information.

Sorry to interrupt your flaming argument.


Not flaming ... you wish I guess. Interrupt away, but it's better if you actually have a relevant point. I just started watching this silly show "Atypical" about a family with a kid with autism, or Asperger's who is always injecting irrelevant comments about penguins and Antarctica into his normal conversation. Hey, maybe you are on the spectrum?


Nelson Rockefeller died while making love to his mistress in the 1970's.


What's so special about George Carlin. I am sick and tired of hearing from people who can't think for themselves that George Carlin said this or that. George Carlin was an expert on NOTHING! George Carlin was such a genius that he killed himself on cigarettes because he didn't think that they would kill him. He was a COMEDIAN and nothing else. So fuck George Carlin and fuck you you POS.


LOL, you the fuck are you though?!!


You spekum the engrush huh? Someone who knows a lot better than to think what comedians say is gospel truth.


Oh, well then by all means, your honor.


Glad to see I'm not the only one who finds George Carlin to be overrated. Don't like him.


Carlin is a bad comedian who tried to play politics in order to compensate for his lack of talent for comedy.


That's ridiculous, he sold tons of albums, was as successful as any other comedian. He was not only funny but political too in a clever enlightening way. On the comedian spectrum he was very talented and funnier than most. Even other comedians you might actually like, at least until you have some reason to trash them too would never say anything bad about Carlin.


There is truth to that. IMO, Carlin received acclaim for being angry, edgy, and willing to lash out at the right people and institutions, not because he was a great comedian.


Sure -- let's be funny w/o going after the idiots of our times. Don't upset the Putins or the tRumpfs - they might not like it ! omg !


I think it is very shortsighted of you to think Putin, or Trump, are the epitome of evil. I am sure you are aware that we bombed the shit out of Syria and Libya, killing or displacing millions. What were the reasons given for that? In Syria, the claim was that Assad used chemical weapons on his own people, but did he? even James Matthis, a globalist Trump hater and former Secretary of Defense refutes that

Did you know right after the "gas attack" in 2013, Putin called for an international investigation into the incident. Seems reasonable enough right? It never happened, and do you know why? We (US and EU) decimated the area with drone strikes and cruise missiles, making it impossible to gather evidence. Why would we do that? To kill "bad guys" or to cover up evidence of a war crime by us?

Then there is Libya. As you are aware, we fucked their shit up in in 2011. but why? At the time, Libya was a relatively peaceful and prosperous country that was not attacking anyone. They protected religious minorities. If you were a christian in Libya, you didn't have live in fear, because the government would protect you.

So why did we (the U.S, and E.U. co-conspirators) do what we did? I mean, first we backed a coup, then when that was going to fail, we instituted a no-fly zone, and when that wasn't going to work we just attacked Libya outright. That is all documented fact, but what hasn't been explained, is why we did it. I have my theories, but they are only theories. Do you know? You seem so certain.

I spent my whole life thinking that the West was the beacon of freedom and they were always on the right side. To my horror, we have become the villains. That is why I back Trump - he wants to make us the good guys again.


Hardly, Carlin was funny and people paid to go see his concerts ... they called them concerts ... because he expressed opinions that they liked in interesting and funny ways that make people laugh and entertained them.

Now, you on the other hand, are clearly a Right-winger that resents anyone expressing any opinion that diverges from fascism, so you are not really reviewing Carlin, just insulting his politics.


What does "right wing" even mean? I am neck deep in this shit and not even I really know what it means. I think what best describes me is a classical liberal (how the rest of the world uses the term, not American democrats). I believe that we are gifted with natural rights that the government should not dare infringe on. I am a big supporter of the principles the ACLU was founded on (but since then, they have been overtaken and now are just a schill outlet for the DNC). Because I believe that citizens should be truly free, it necessarily places me diametrically opposed to democrats, who are in truth, authoritarians that want to oppress ordinary citizens to further their goals of a globalistic government, all the while having the audacity to call themselves liberals. Their principle platform topic is identity politics, which is thinly veiled cultural marxism, designed to fracture, not unite, a nation. Their whole platform is one of resentment and hate. How can a reasonable person back that?

So that is domestic policy, what about foreign policy. Under Obama, we started two conflicts based on very specious reasons (see my post above). Basically, the democrats (which are very in-line with leftists on an international level), started conflict in not one, but two countries, kiilling or displacing millions, to futher their globalistic goals. That is comic book super-villain shit, BUT IT IS WHAT LEFTISTS IN THE WESTERN WORLD ARE ACTUALLY DOING. How the fuck can you in good conscience support that? Did you know that Donald Trump is the first U.S. president in decades to not start a new conflict. He is the first in decades to actually reduce our worldwide military presence? He actually deserves the Nobel Peace Prize, but instead those assholes gave it to Obama, right before he decimated two countries, killing and displacing millions. If it wasn't so tragic, it would be funny.


Yeah, all that stuff sounds Right-wing.


You seem to know what ring wing is. Explain it to me, because I don't know.


What I see happening here, is that you are Right-Wing, but you do not want to label yourself or think of yourself as Right-Wing. I'm sure you have your own ideas, so asking me is just like trying to start an argument and I would prefer not to.




Wow would you stop writing so hysterically in all-caps? It implies screaming. Why are you screaming?




That's really really sad. 15 years. It's like that Guns N Roses song, 14 years. But you have wasted 15 years of your life and haven't grown one bit.




I didn't like him when he seemed like a milquetoast, but you are making him sound a lot more interesting.


Well, he's an example of how the higher you go, the harder you can fall.
