MovieChat Forums > Tiger Woods Discussion > golf has to move beyond this guy

golf has to move beyond this guy

in a big way


They won't now...


I wish the members at Augusta National would schedule an annual tournament for the girls ( LPGA ) at their wonderful course. Play it in the autumn and don't put black dye into the water.

Apart from the usual element of lesbianism associated with female sports the girls behaviour is generally much better than the mens.


do they have sex while playing?


Apart from the usual element of lesbianism associated with female sports the girls behaviour is generally much better than the mens.

Behavior isn't the problem with women's sports. The problem with women's sports is that it's on a men's high school level at best. I don't watch a lot of sports, but when I do, it's going to be professional.


Right now it's just the opposite. Can't believe how the sports world is fawning over TW while The Masters is coming up.
Of course, it's to bring in eyeballs while their other stars are having difficulty. Mickelson shot himself in the foot supporting a Saudi league (greedy dumb-ass) and Rory couldn't even make the cut this past weekend at a somewhat minor tournament.
So we are left with everyone oohing at the philandering, druggy Woods. I don't know why he gets such a pass for his poor choices and behavior.


golf can't seem to create a new star.


he was their last great star, Spieth was supposed to take over that reign but crumbled under the pressure.


If you eliminated every player in every pro sport who cheated or used substances, you'd knock out nearly all of its stars and most of the rest. Golf won't "move on" from the guy who probably did more than any other to change the sport to have more cross over appeal. Only when fans move on will golf move on. Fans care about what you do on the field. That's just the way it is.


That's all that "sport" has.


When I was younger I would denigrate golf as not being a real sport, but the task of artfully getting that little ball close to that little hole more efficiently than 100 other guys is nothing to shrug at, and there's plenty of drama watching guys falter and overcome as they try to be the best over the tournament. There is probably more tension as to how it all unfolds over four days than most other professional sports, (ymmv).


It's definitely hard, but it's more of a game than a sport.




Golf does seemed obsessed with Tiger, even when he's playing like ass. I think the problem is that there are just no great personalities anymore even forgetting outright skill. Jack and Arnie? Pure magic on the course. The Shark, Freddie, Payne Stewart? Maybe it's the PGA ignoring others? The closest thing we have to a golf personality other than Tiger is Rory McIlroy.

I don't think the problem is Tiger, I think it's everyone else.

But we also can't forget that Tiger Woods is the second best golfer to ever play the sport. He's an immortal, and when he's done, that's it.

Who wouldn't want to see Lou Gehrig, Willie Mays, or Babe Ruth play again?


'But we also can't forget that Tiger Woods is the second best golfer to ever play the sport.

Who's first? (I'm a non-golfer)


Jack Nicklaus.

In my opinion.


Ah, right.


Golf isn’t obsessed with Tiger. The Democrat party sports media is.
