It's true

THEY are seperated! I knew it would come. She's become all about hollywood and her career. She doesnt take care of son anymore either! I knew it would happen. Now i can't wait til she finally annouces it, then ya'll see i was right all along.!


You just sound obsessive. Then again you are from the internet. But I'm glad IMDB had an insider into their relationship the whole time to lets us know that hollywood and her career are why they "separated." Also thanks for informing us of how litte care she takes of her son. You must be like a close friend or maybe their maid to know all of this huh? You are the reason this website thrives.


Check the dates and you'll see they got married because she got knocked up.
Oldest trick in the book; rarely works long-term.

Real LOSERS spell 'loser' looser!


Exactly! There not even living together anymore!! I have a little birdy to tell me!


Not to be mean, but they were both vacationing in Cabo recently. It's on his Twitter page.


Yeah cause they're trying to fix the relationship. They never wear there rings & live separately


How do you know this? It's almost like he knows the rumors and purposefully posts pictures of her on Instagram. It could just be rumors but the way he posts, makes it seem disingenuous


Who posts pics on Instagram? What are you talking about?
