No Emmy win yet?!?

How is it that she has not yet won an Emmy? She is perfect in this role as the loving, over-bearing helicopter mom. She cracks me up in every episode...with all the crap that is on TV now, the Goldbergs is a true original!


I agree. I just started watching the show and she is a great actress. She's so funny.


Emmy voters don't put a lot of thought into who they nominate. They tend to nominate the same people over and over.


I agree, she deserves to at least be nominated.


I think I read that none of the cast/crew were even invited to the ceremony to sit amongst their peers. Dreadful treatment, if true.


She's fantastic in everything she does!!!!
I litteraly love her!! Can not believe amy schummer won over her!? Makes no sense, especially as Amy isn't even funny!!!


Agreed. How she hasn't even been nominated yet is beyond me.

Not to overly trash Julia LD: She was great in Seinfeld but please, this recent string of Emmy wins seems more based on reputation than performance.

Similarly, Ellie Kemper was great on The Office but her recent nominations just seem unjustified compared to Ms. McLendon-Covey's IMO.

Let's hope that the TV Academy comes to their senses in 2017.
