MovieChat Forums > Greta Thunberg Discussion > Using "small penis" as an insult in swed...

Using "small penis" as an insult in sweden, a country of small penised males?

How big of a penis does a male person need to have to satisfy swedish women?

If all males had big penises would there be any man made climate change?

Technological advancement happened in western civilization because swedish males and germanic males in general have small penises and therefore have to attract women in other ways because the common germanic penis is not the size that can satisfy a woman.


saying man has small penis is insult use by insecure woman. they believe a man only worth is dong. it make them look shallow! man should be judge on many thing not just dong scale.


No "secure" man would have sent such a tweet in the first place. Insecure men often overcompensate by feeling the need to show off expensive cars or big guns. The problem isn't the women.


Naturally, men with big penises are all devotees of classical music and poetry, and drive Priuses. Either that, or sometimes men just like cars or guns, and it has nothing to do with their cock.


Bingo! Who in their right mind thinks that nice cars, etc., are only owned by men with small cocks?


Jealous people.


“Dong Scale” is the next film being directed by Christopher Nolan.


yes with leo di crapio as titanic dong.


You should be a casting director. You seem to perfectly understand the artistic intent behind Dong Scale.


thank you moviessuck it seem like good professions for me.


relax...........captain sweden will save the day,
all in this video


Perhaps the Swedish and German men you auditioned didn't live up to your standards, but I doubt you, despite your best efforts, saw anything resembling a reliable sample, ah, size...


What is your ethnicity and how do you know that germanic males do not have small penis? Also what size penis is considered small?

Back in the 1970's women and businesses started to say that penis pumps were made in sweden and this implied that swedish males have small penis.


Ask your mother about my penis.


A mom joke, how original.


They're coming back in style.


You must have seen a lot of dick to make that statement. Did you tell your parents yet?


I wonder how many penises she's seen, to even make a judgement...


Probably just her dad's and maybe Joe Biden's.


