MovieChat Forums > Greta Thunberg Discussion > Staged a fake protest?

Staged a fake protest?

As they say, gotta stay relevant after pwning Andrew Tate. Need them easy eco money from the tree huggers.


Twenty? She looks twelve.

This reminds me of the protest last year when Absence of Cortex pretended to be handcuffed.


Didn't look fake to me. Who reported it as being fake? You don't say anything, just a nasty title and smart remark.

Greta Thunberg Detained By Police During Eco-Protest In German Village

The Swedish environmental activist, 20, has been taking part in protests against the demolition of the village Luetzerath, which is due to be demolished to make way for the expansion of a nearby coal mine.

I think it's a great thing to protest, and she is on the right side of history. Coal is on the way out and needs to be opposed.


wow, you gotta love this image -

look at them carrying her off to jail. Poor Greta.

It's appears to be legit though. here's a link...


Yeah, I was talking about her specifically. The protest itself may be real but her being there then posing for the camera then smiling while being carried off like a little princess just shows something else. Oh and how'd she get there all the way from Sweden? I hope she rode on a boat because those jets have nasty emissions.


Yeah, they're unusual looking pics. I suppose the cops didn't mind taking their picture with her but it's still a little suspicious looking.

But at least Greta did travel by a non-emission boat when she did her US tour. She's a climate rock star now days. So, it would be an honor to take a picture with her.


Why shouldn't everyone have a little fun at their jobs? The cops obviously think she's OK.


The police certainly look like their enjoying it. Which, if not for all intents and purposes, goes against police procedure but it's nothing I would call outrageous. Not sure what their commandants will think of this though...


Oh and how'd she get there all the way from Sweden?

And there in lies the hypocrisy.

Greta must have comfortably piled up more air miles than most people in "her" crusade to campaign against environmental destruction.


This protest was never going to be on the news without her being there. At least media outlets would not have sent reporters if were not for her.

Then again there is the risk of whole thing being about her instead of whatever they were protesting.

Reporters were clearly called in advance. We can see from the video police has been very careful in handling her, and very cooperative with the press, even posing (of holding her) for photographers, very likely there were orders sent from above.

All in all it is clearly staged, the police carrying her away probably was the request of the media, because there seem to be no reason of doing that, she was friendly and cooperative. It is not like she was screaming and fighting and refuse to leave.

But the protest might not be fake.


You're mostly right, it probably wouldn't have garnered the attention it would have gotten if she wasn't there, at least maybe not on twitter trend. I just happened by on it and she was there.

I mean, she took the time to travel all the way to Germany, you better damn right it had to be about her. Look how happy she looks being carried off by the police.

Maybe. To me they look incompetent or maybe they've gone 'woke'? Who knows. 2nd video just makes me shake my head. Also, I found it hilarious that it 'seems' like they had to bring a 'token' black guy to the protect to show there is diversity involved.

Yeah, I think so too. Other videos show the protest was more violent in nature. I guess once she arrived it commanded innocence and peace around her but after she was no longer relevant (arrested), things returned to the normal protest.


Ah, I see how it was done. So she was sitting down with a crowd, cops picked her up while she just continues that strange smile of hers. They then put her down and she just stands, still smiling and posing with the police? So weird.


Ah, I see how it was done. So she was sitting down with a crowd, cops picked her up while she just continues that strange smile of hers. Then then put her down and she just stands, still smiling and posing with the police? So weird.

I think the police were given orders to very gently arrest Thunberg (that way she won't resist, protesting is not a crime, but resisting arrest is), and take her away from the crowd, then disperse the protesters. Taking her to police station is just a part of protocol.

This could be just a photo op for Thunberg, arrange by some green politicians, for mutual benefits. The arrest could be pre-arranged.

Or it could be something organic, the protesters simply invited her and she came, and the protesters called the press. Thunberg could have just realized what the police were doing, and being a smart girl she had no choice but comply, hence the smile.


> To me they look incompetent or maybe they've gone 'woke'?

Like everyone else who is not a raving sniveling puffed up pretend Right-wing attack dog, hiding behind a keyboard.


To me they look incompetent or maybe they've gone 'woke'?

Since someone is talking about this, I'll say something about this too.

If they have gone "woke", I think they would have taken off their masks, and be photoed with their princess, something to show their families. But no, so that was probably not the case.
