MovieChat Forums > Rachel Zegler Discussion > is she so vapid that she doesn't realize...

is she so vapid that she doesn't realize who really runs Hollywood


This girl seems like a PR nightmare. Can see producers in the future not casting her to avoid the headache.


agreed, as soon as she opened her mouth I knew her career was Over, she just doesn't know it yet.


she supports terrorism, what about hostages


She opposes genocide. What about the 38,000 Palestinian civilians, mostly women and children, who have been killed by the Israeli military since October 7th?

She opposes rape. What about the Palestinian prisoner who was brutally gang-raped by Israeli soldiers at a detention facility? Israeli citizens actually protested against the prosecution of the soldiers, saying they should be permitted to commit rape; Israeli politicians also expressed this sentiment.

What about the polls showing that most Israelis support the genocide and believe that it hasn't gone far enough? And also show that most Israelis support the gang rape and agree that Israel should not have to obey international law?


don't fall for propaganda


Half the celebs in hollywood have voiced their support for a ceasefire, at a minimum, with many going one further. No big deal.

I've already seen idiots online speculating that their is tension between Gal and Rachel, that seems wishful thinking on their part as they've been amicable in all their interactions thus far (not saying they're besties but it seems clear their political views aren't relevant to their relationship as actors making a movie together). If Gal fell out with everyone who is 'pro-Palestine' she'd soon be feuding with half of hollywood. Some people are just longing for some controversy, especially when it comes to Rachel, she's been marked as the devil by the 'alt-right', the poor girl can't do anything without some people trying to twist it into some big controversy.


It seems she lets her mouth think for her, considering she doesn't appear to have brains or any sort of restraint or self-discipline whatsoever.
