MovieChat Forums > Kari Lake Discussion > She wants to reform the media!

She wants to reform the media!

She must be stopped at any cost! We cant have any change to the current media platform.

Kari Lake says she'll be media's 'worst freaking nightmare for eight years,' vows to 'reform the media'


Looks like she may have to serve as media's 'worst freaking nightmare for eight years' as a common citizen and not as Arizona's Governor. It's a very tight race, though.


No, she is going to win easily.


America will be a dangerous place if the media is reformed and the media complex dissolved !


Why do you say that?


Media, the news, facebook, reuters etc is in perfect shape. No need to amend the structure. We are protected from fake news and at this level we just follow the news and instructions given us as its in the medias best interest to protect us.

If the media is reformed we might get more Jew hate, conspiracy theories, vaccine denial and democrat pushback. We cant have that.


Why can’t we have that? Isn’t it up to the people’s free will what to believe?


Is this satire?


The media are collectively the propaganda wing of the Marxist Democrat Party. Any change (that she really can't do btw) would be an improvement.

And she's going to win.


She lost, and lost hard. Nothing but another maga election denier thinking she could ride in on the trump train again. Her losing mean people are finally getting sick and tired of these trump-endorsed maga fools who couldn't run a dog shelter if their lives depended on it. That "red wave" the repubs said was going to happen never happened at all---ha ha ha!


No I think Buffy lost big. Don't you know anything? They are dragging out the count until next week. Most of the uncounted are same day voters.


The GOP ruined the news media by ending the Fairness Doctrine and allowing oligarchs to control the majority of news media in a single region. It sounds like Lake wants to end the Freedom of the Press.


Every news outlet other than Fox News and AM talk radio is dominated by leftists who use it to promote and support leftist ideology (while falsely claiming to be unbiased and balanced), yet you say the GOP ruined the news media. Okay.


Liscarkat you are my hero and I could not have stated this better myself. Take a bow, you are spot on! GO BILLS.


That's a damn lie. You crazy-a** narrow-minded, paranoid maga idiots actually believe that bull****. Guess what-----everybody or everything that is not conservative is not liberal, and the whole damn world dosen't revolve around whatever crazy s*** you maga dumb-a**** think. Fox so-called "news" is nothing but repub propaganda and more right-wing bull**** with nothing but fake-a** "reporters" who do nothing but spew the repub party line and bash the left-wing and anyone else who dosen't just go along with and believe whatever bull**** they say. Glad these crazy maga idiots lost in the midterms, lol.


Wow. Relax! Please don't kick the dog during your rampage.


"Conservatives" have been attacking "the media" for forever for being leftists. This may or may not have been true before the internet. I first heard Rush Limbaugh in Los Angeles in 1989. Wally George and Morton Downey, Jr. had TV shows in the mid-to-late 1980's.

I haven't subscribed to a newspaper since 1999. Today I get my "news" from MSNews, Yahoo, Bing, etc. who all have click-bait from FoxNews, New York Post, Washington Times, Newsweek, as well as the traditional non-right-wing papers.

I'll start with one of those stories that interest me, and then if I want to learn more, I'll google it and see who else is talking about it and what they're saying.


This is insane ! The media compex will have her killed.


Cut the paranoia, please. She lost---nobody cares what she has to say now.
