MovieChat Forums > Tom Hiddleston Discussion > What Co-Stars and Colleagues have to say

What Co-Stars and Colleagues have to say

I absolutely love reading thoughts from costars and colleagues about my favorite people. Have you guys got any quotes to share?

I'll start:

Here's the great Samuel L Jackson:
"He's prepared and that's important for me. He's a guy who's ready to go and he has a plan. He's open to what the other actors are doing, very complementary to the other talent around him in terms of giving them something to work with and returning something when you give it to him. A lot of actors are like blank pages: you write on them and nothing happens. Tom is very responsive."

Guillermo Del Toro:
"Tom has a timeless leading man quality, he seems both vulnerable and magnetic,” Del Toro wrote in an email. “He is uncommonly intelligent and fluent when discussing all literary implications or mythological roots of a character — a dream of a collaborator."

Chris Evans:
"He was born to play that role (Loki). He does it so well... we're so lucky, to have him as a part of this world."

Scarlett Johansson:
"Tom Hiddleston is my absolute hero," she giggles. "He's clinically enthusiastic. Doing a scene with him is like playing tennis with Venus Williams. He's just always there to hit the ball back no matter which direction it's coming from. He's got a powerful serve!"

Care to share, guys!


Natalie Portman:

“Tom is just so, so awesome. He’s one of the great people to work with. He’s so fun and funny and smart and talented and he’s just phenomenal. And it was so great to slap him because he really let me go for it and always had a cheeky response and punctuated it well,” Natalie recently shared to Moviefone about her Thor: The Dark World co-star Tom Hiddleston.

Sir Anthony Hopkins:

"I think he’s a great actor. The connection we sort of have is through Kenneth Branagh. Although I’d never met Branagh before, Tom had, he has a close friendship with Kenneth Branagh and he worked on the stage with him. I think he’s an incredible actor. He’s a brilliant man, you know. I think to be a great actor like him you have to be pretty smart, you have to know your stuff, you have to have a good penetrating mind and I think that’s what he’s got. He’s certainly a very decent nice guy to work with. I noticed when we did “Thor,” when I banish Thor, my son, there’s a shot of Tom Hiddleston hedging his bets. He’s looking over to see which way is this going to go. You could see him plotting out his future just in a little tiny scene right then on the first “Thor.” He’s a great young actor. We got on very well together."


Awww that Anthony Hopkins quote. Ti have someone of his status graciously describe Tom's talents as such...
I tried searching for one of his but I couldn't find it. You go girl!


Oh, if it's there I'll find it. Believe me!



Atta girl! You're one of those internet ninjas in the Hiddles'Army.
Hiddles Army Ninja= one who is extremely efficient with her/his Hiddles resources.


Wow. Sir Anthony Hopkins' compliments must have been an encouragement for Tom to read.

And Scarlett and Samuel's descriptions are spot on.

My absolute favorite is Guillermo Del Toro's reflection of Tom. It is both thoughtfully and beautifully expressed.

"Tom has a timeless leading man quality, he seems both vulnerable and magnetic,” Del Toro wrote in an email. “He is uncommonly intelligent and fluent when discussing all literary implications or mythological roots of a character — a dream of a collaborator." Guillermo Del Toro

"a dream of a collaborator." Now that's what you want to hear from a gifted director/producer/screenwriter.


Spencer Murphy:

(photographer responsible for the official Coriolanus poster seen here) mages/Coriolanus%20FINAL%20m.jpg

Last week I had the great pleasure of working with actor, Tom Hiddleston, on portraits for the Donmar’s upcoming production of Coriolanus. Tom goes down as one of the nicest people I’ve had the chance to photograph and his performance in front of my camera was the best I have ever witnessed at such close quarters. Thanks to everyone involved in the shoot and to Tom for being such a nice guy and so trusting.


Found another!

Rachel Weisz:

Tom is just wonderful. He's got a period face. He was wonderful in Thor, as well. [Laughs.] He's just very alive and sexy and passionate. He's very bright, really smart and really easygoing. We had a really easy rapport. We just clicked.

I know it's impolitic to say not-nice things about co-workers in the industry, but the same words keep popping up again and again to describe Tom. Words like nice, smart, enthusiastic. This must really be who he is. (As if we needed affirmation!)

What a lucky fandom we are!


Some more complimentary quotes. Thanks Michele. :)


Jim Jarmusch r-thor-the-dark-world.html

When I met Tom, I wasn’t thinking of him for Adam, but after talking to him, I knew he would perfectly embody the character,” Mr. Jarmusch said in a telephone interview. “He understood all my references, to English rock ’n’ roll in the ’60s, to Hamlet. His character is very sophisticated, which he also is, but I also wanted him to have an animalistic quality, which he found. He is not a violinist, but he worked for several months to appear to be playing the Paganini in the film. You could throw anything at him, he would incorporate it.”
