MovieChat Forums > Tom Hiddleston Discussion > Does he have naturally curly hair?

Does he have naturally curly hair?

I'm not being a smart a$#, really. Saw a 2010 episode of "Wallander" and Tom had very curly hair, like... well, I can't think of another actor who has curly hair. Like he had a perm. Was that just for the part, or was it his natural hair?

He looks so much better now.


Yes, he has naturally curly hair. I don't know if he did anything to make it curlier, but its that curly in nearly all of his pre-2011 works, inculding plays and almost that curly in a few of his post-2011 works.


That's his natural hair. He once said he resembles Gene Wilder. There are several works in which he had curly hair. Untitled, Archipelago, Return to Cranford. I personally like his curly hair.


I saw him lying down in Return to Cranford and couldn't help thinking he looked like a sweet,little cherub. If I didn't know better, I'd think I was looking at a Renaissance Apollo who'd stepped out of his painting.

Better to be a wolf of Odin than a Lamb of God.


Aw, I loved his curly hair- particularly in Unrelated. He is pretty much physical perfection in that film, ha!

~...can you tell me, yeah, as a mate... is the bottom half of me on fire?


Thanks, everyone. And I'm off to Netflix now, as I'm not familiar with most of the titles that were mentioned. I enjoyed the Cranford series and didn't know they did a follow-up. Ta.


I think his hair looks less curly than it used to from a combination of how it's cut and the amount or type of product that's in it (which might also explain why sometimes it looks blond and sometimes red).

While we're on the subject of appearances, what does everyone think of his official Golden Globes portrait (here: )? I feel as if they either shot him from an unusual angle, or it was photoshopped, because his nose looks straighter at the bridge than usual....


Must've had his hair slicked back. He looks good.

Better to be a wolf of Odin than a Lamb of God.


It is just the light vs darkness but my he looks so gorgeous!!!

😖There's nothing to worry. You're going to be just fine. I'll take care of you. I'm your #1 fan.😱
