Thor: Ragnarok

Thor 3 details (concept art, production notes):

Cast revealed:

"The dream is to keep surprising yourself, never mind the audience." - TH


Oh major yay! Jeff Goldblum and Karl Urban and Cate Blanchett!

And no Jane or Darcy apparently.

I'm kind of getting excited about this movie. 😓

Did you see that ludicrous display last night?


I wonder about Sif and the Warriors Three though

"The dream is to keep surprising yourself, never mind the audience." - TH


I hope they all four come back, especially Sif- she's an awesome character. They were pretty much wasted in TDW.

Also, it would be cool if Josh Dallas could play Fandral again.

Did you see that ludicrous display last night?


He is still on Once Upon a time so I don't think he will be back as Fandral for Thor 3. He might come back for The Avengers 3. I think Once Upon a Time will end next season.

🌹Only the weak are cruel. Gentleness can be expected from the strong. -Leo Buscaglia🌷


I think he forfeited the role once he vacated it. It's Zachary Levi's role now. Well, if they even include the Warriors Three.

"The dream is to keep surprising yourself, never mind the audience." - TH


I dig Zachary Levi. He was one of the more memorable characters in Thor2. Am also excited by this fantastic new cast. Cate Blanchett is one of my all time favorite actresses. With all these larger than life characters with Sir Anthony, Tom, Chris. Cate, Tessa, I just hope they keep their hands safe, Grandmaster Goldblum might try taking a bite out of them up as he munches on the scenery. LOL. Love him, but he does have his tendencies....which probably will work for the role of Grandmaster.

Should be a really entertaining film. Hoping the script is tight and cohesive with some interesting character arcs, powerful motivation for each character and strong story that stays focused and on purpose.


I prefer Zach Levi as Fandral, too, Moana. He definitely stole the show (after Loki).

"The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame." - Oscar Wilde
