MovieChat Forums > Sienna Miller Discussion > Wow, talk about an unlucky actress....

Wow, talk about an unlucky actress....

Scott Cooper, director of "Black Mass" revealed that Miller's storyline will be cut from the final result. Similarly, much of her role in "Foxcatcher" was left on the cutting room floor by the time the film hit cinemas. In the latter case, the movie had to be trimmed down significantly due to a lengthy runtime and had nothing to do with her performance; Cooper says it was a "narrative choice" to leave Miller's role out.

I just wonder why this happens to her twice in quite a short time. Does she get asked to play only generic parts, which can be leaft easily out? Does she only like to play such parts? Is it her acting (but then, why cast her in the first place)? Maybe anyone has seen a longer cut of "Foxcatcher" and can tell me what of her performance has been left out.


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he was just being nice. I heard her accent was terrible.


It's all weights and counterbalances - her name, and generic blonde looks, are enough to pique the interest (or at least the vague sense of familiarity) of a lot of celeb-watchers; but they cast her in disposable parts so that her scenes can be trimmed first if the film is running overtime, or her performance just isn't up to snuff. They still get to use her for promotion, she presumably still gets paid.... everyone's happy.


SHe was asked to do a tiny bit part (like one day of shooting) at the end of filming i think... it wasn't a big deal, she didn't expect anything of it but the media blew it up
