Odd career revival

She did a string of poorly received films in 2012-2013 after a 3 year hiatus that under usual circumstances, would have seen her career headed for irrelevancy especially after having her daughter, but all of a sudden she's in two films with awards season buzz.

Well done, I have to say, considering her public persona had taken a hit.


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She was overdue for it I feel like if you've seen some of her earlier films like Factory Girl and Interview.


Jealousy is an ugly thing, and so, I'm guessing, are you in anything strapless.

Leave Sienna alone. She's great.


@Ambiena When I found out she was in American Sniper I was very surprised. The last time I saw her was in the documentary The September Issue, and I figured I'd never hear of her again. How wrong I was.


Her hiatus and crap films were not by choice, she did a Katherine Heigl and burned her bridges in Hollywood, but she is a good actress and she's getting a 2nd chance now she's grew up a bit.

Ya Kirk-loving Spocksucker!


Miller's re-emergence is interesting but not odd and definately nothing new. This kind of thing has happened many times.

In the early to mid 00's, Miller was mostly known in the UK. Here in the US, her name was not widely known. If it was, it was due to her involvement with Jude Law.

I will say she was very good in "American Sniper". She was saddled with an the time worn, underwritten role of the strong, lonely wife begging for her husband to come home from war. But Miller made her mark and her American accent was excellent.

Now that she's older she might be able to channel that maturity into better roles or this might only be a temporary thing.


The prettiest smile in showbiz.


You are right, the only ways to get ahead in showbiz is who you know and who you blow.
