MovieChat Forums > Aaron Taylor-Johnson Discussion > He's 26 and his wife is 50

He's 26 and his wife is 50

Just when everyone thought Kutcher and Moore was bad, then you have this guy! What a creeper. And to think, he somehow made two kids with her while she was between 46 and 50.


I'll bet he watches himself in kickass everyday and has his Lindsey Fonseca kiss scene on repeat when his wife isn't home.


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It's kinda gross when you think about how they met when he was 17. He also looked very young in that film. He looked younger than his age. Maybe he has deep seeded mommy issues. He is not the first and won't be the last.

Don't give me that reverse sexism standard either. An older man is sexy and when he is financially well off even more reason a young woman would be attracted. At least 18 years old, let's hope.

But a younger man - it is kinda weird and gross. It's beyond the woman wearing her pants and being controlling. How can a young man be sexually attracted to an aging woman especially when she reaches menopause or gets grey pubic hair. I think it worked with Demi Moore for a while because she was a sex symbol. She was overly sexual like Madonna


Freudian-like psychology would have you believe all men have mommy issues.

A boys best friend is his mother, after all.

LMAO @ grey pubic hair. That's for the visual.


There is a reason biologically it works when a man is older, but not a woman. It's gross. It's like he's doing it with his mommy.


Did I say that? Nope, sure didn't. I can accept a 10 year age difference but this weirdo is pushing it.


Older men are not sexy, they're considered creepy too when they go for younger women. They're controlling too when they go for someone who's barely an adult, with half their life experience. Only retarded neckbeards think that's something to aspire to.

Most women also find men in their 20s to be the most handsome. Studies have shown this. Older men's sperm has gone bad and the mutations cause things like autism, low IQ, Schizophrenia, and suicidality in their kids. Biologically, having kids with a younger and fit man is what makes the most sense.


He has two kids with his wife so it biologically it worked for them too, troll.


It worked? Give it a few more years, chap.


Are the babies going to crawl back up their mother's vag and shrivel? They had the kids already, hence it worked for them biologically.
