I'm convinced he's gay.

Not only due to his awkward marriage, but the fact he just gives off such an effeminate vibe/has an effeminate voice in many of his films (Savages comes to mind).

I can't be the only one who gets a "gay" vibe from him. And it perfectly explains his attraction to Sam Taylor-Wood. She's not as ugly as everyone says (namely jealous fangirls), but she's a bit masculine in the face.


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Honestly, if you took her face and put on a man's body, she'd be a very passable, average looking man (minus the horsey teeth - that seems to be a female thing). I'd say she's just very masculine looking (which is also Sarah Jessica Parker's problem).


You are really bothered by their marriage aren't you? Your even suggesting he must be "gay" too. Good one, keep it up 😒

Accept what is, let go of what was, have faith in what will be


It just doesn't make much sense, IMO. This guy could be slaying and getting with the absolute hottest stars if he wanted to, and he chooses a SJP lookalike? And even her career choice is not a traditional feminine one - she's a director. Couple that with Aaron's pretty, delicate features and slightly feminine voice and I'd say he very well could be gay.


And even her career choice is not a traditional feminine one - she's a director.

So if she were a hair dresser he wouldn't be gay.... LOL


But are you even listening to what you are saying? No matter how we feel about their relationship, we are on the outside looking in and should not judge. How would you feel if people passed judgement on your current relationship or lifestyle?

Accept what is, let go of what was, have faith in what will be


It could be that he's just not as shallow as many people are today 😒 and actually sees more to his wife than her looks.


But I'm not saying it's wrong to be gay (or closeted, necessarily), and I'm not saying that he's wrong to be married to her. I'm just sharing a theory I have. I honestly first got a "gay" vibe from him when I watched Savages, and that was long before I even knew about his marriage.
