Godzilla of a nightmare

Never heard of this dude until yesterday when I watched Godzilla. He totally destroyed that film for me. (And before you hate on me, read what I just wrote; he ruined it FOR ME)

I felt bored during moments where I should have been engaged. The reason being was I just didn't care what happened to him. I never connected with him and he never connected with the audience. I am not sure how he does in other films, but he just didn't fit the bill. Then on the other hand you have an awesome actress in Elizabeth Olsen and she barely get's started. Would have much rather seen her and their son battle through adversity then watch his military ho-rah grunt stuff.

My opinion; sorry.


He's one of the best actors of his generation. Legit.

But he's more of an eccentric actor and I just don't think there was much for him to do in this role.


He is not, one of the best actors of his generation.

For christ sakes, I know its your opinion, but tone down the hyperbole there.


Haha not sure which people qualify as someone of his generation but he's definitely one of the few promising under-25 actors right now. I find him quite versatile. You would think a young, conventionally handsome actor can only play stereotypical popular prettyboy roles but he really pulled off Dave/Kick-Ass haha.


I like the guy. He's a handsome guy and I did like him in Nowhere Boy & Kick-Ass. I also like that he transforms physically into his characters.

But in Godzilla he was pretty wooden. I don't think he sucks and I think he has potential, but in his scenes with Bryan Cranston, he just fell flat. He did have good chemistry with Elizabeth Olsen.


He was dreadful in Godzilla.


He was dreadful in Kick-ass as well.



you're legit delusional.


One of the best actors of his generation?! I watched Anna Karenina and in my opinion he ruined this film. He was so wooden and bland that it was really difficult to believe that Anna fell for him. How he got the part is beyond me.
